Deliveries of goods, raw materials, materials, equipment, mechanisms are accompanied by the completion of many formalities. Situations often arise when it is necessary to store cargo in a temporary storage warehouse for a certain period of time. The maximum period for placing products on equipped sites is 4 months. The advisability of such an action is to ensure that the consignments are under the control of customs until the appropriate documentation is completed.

Criterias of choice

It is necessary to take a responsible approach to selecting a company that is ready to place cargo in a temporary storage warehouse even for a short period. Otherwise, you may face losses, loss of time and other unpleasant situations. We will provide several criteria, thanks to which you will certainly be able to choose a suitable company for storage:

  • Be sure to pay attention to the company's reputation. Participation in litigation, negative information in the press and networks clearly indicate the presence of serious problems. In this case, significant difficulties may arise during storage in a temporary storage warehouse.
  • Personally assess the condition of the access roads, truck storage areas and premises. Good, well-maintained condition, abundance of goods and equipment indicate that the company has managed to gain regular customers. If your cargo requires special conditions or temperature conditions, check the condition of the refrigeration units.
  • The argument in favor of choice will be the presence of loading mechanisms that allow rational and safe placement of products in the premises.
  • It is advisable that the storage of goods in a temporary storage warehouse be handled by an office that practices full electronic accounting and document circulation. In this case, you will avoid delays and will be able to quickly complete the necessary procedures. In addition, there are companies that provide assistance in obtaining certification in other areas.
  • Not least important is the pricing policy. The share of costs for storing goods should be within acceptable limits. Don’t forget to discuss the possibility of additional discounts for ongoing cooperation.

Comprehensive service

Experienced importers give preference to business partners who provide a full range of services in foreign economic activity. As a result, you will not have problems not only with temporary storage facilities during cargo storage, but also at more serious stages. As you understand, the main advantage of permanent cooperation with a large brokerage organization can be considered full responsibility for the preparation of official papers, delivery and temporary placement of a consignment. We recommend choosing this path if you are serious about gaining a foothold in the international market.

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