In the era of widespread development of information technologies, the need for them among legal entities is only increasing.
At the end of the reporting period, companies are required to prepare and submit annual accounting reports to the regulatory authorities.
Statistical reporting in 2021 In addition to tax and accounting reporting, organizations must submit statistical reporting.
Each organization, be it an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity, registered on the territory of the Russian Federation and receiving
Sometimes an organization that is an intermediary has to purchase services from a foreign company for a principal from Russia.
ConsultantPlus: Forums In accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2021
The concept of labor function When hiring a new employee, the employer enters into a labor agreement with him
When and what kind of zero reports must a non-profit organization (NPO) submit? The specifics of NPO activities may
Employers paying salaries to staff are tax agents for personal income tax and are therefore required to maintain registers
If one of the organization’s employees is planning to retire, the accountant will have additional work to do. According to the application