As you know, a property is transferred at least twice under a lease agreement. First time - provision
When applying for a new job, among the documents provided to the accounting department is a 2-NDFL certificate. Often
The need to confirm the zero VAT rate appears for the seller when goods are sold
If an employee falls ill, the doctor issues him a sick leave certificate. This is the main document for accrual
What primary documents should be? As a general rule, every fact of economic life must be confirmed
It is not permissible to put a cliché instead of a signature on all papers, so in some cases the use
Reconciliation with the Social Insurance Fund: how to complete the reconciliation report form The Social Insurance Fund (FSS) performs sufficiently
August 31, 2019 Accounting Marina Lobacheva Companies use
Under what conditions can retailers apply UTII? According to the instructions in paragraphs. 6 p.