How to draw up and register an invoice when receiving an advance payment
In what cases is it necessary for the Seller or Contractor to draw up an advance payment (partial payment) from the buyer?
Return of low-quality materials, the shortcomings of which were identified during their acceptance
The release of finished products is often accompanied by the formation of residues of raw materials, which have, to one degree or another, lost
Object of taxation for corporate income tax in 2021
Who is exempt from paying income tax The following are exempt from paying income tax: Organizations,
Recording of a webinar on October 1 from Tinkoff and MoySklad - about how to connect acquiring with a rate of 0.7% and accept cashless payments in a store without purchasing a bank terminal
The manufacturer provides free samples of its products to potential buyers - how to reflect this in accounting?
One of the ways to advertise and find new clients is to participate in exhibitions where
Buyers pay using plastic cards: accounting and cash documents from the supplier
An acquiring agreement is concluded between the acquiring bank and the organization or entrepreneur receiving payment for their goods
Updated form 2-NDFL 2021: main innovations and differences
Tax agents who paid any income to individuals in 2021 must report to the Federal Tax Service
The moment of recognition of individual income and expenses for income tax using the accrual method
Home — Articles Most organizations use the accrual method in tax accounting. Tax Code Provisions
New form of tax return 3-NDFL for 2021 from January 1, 2021
Deadline for filing the 3-NDFL tax return The 3-NDFL tax return is submitted to the tax authority at the place of residence
Insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds
Insurance contributions to state extra-budgetary funds are the basis for the payment of pensions, sick leave and
Intangible assets in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0: receipt, acceptance for accounting, write-off, transfer.
Intangible assets include: scientific developments, trademarks, research costs, software, works
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