What is staffing and why is it needed? Staffing table according to T-3 form -
Transition to a new standardization system, the features of which depend on the category of the object that has a negative impact
The environmental tax is not presented in the Tax Code as a separate type of payment to the budget. He
Home/Salaries/Salary payments from July 1, 2021 Adjustment of wages is one of
Why was a “digital” sick leave required? By introducing an electronic sick leave, legislators pursued three main goals: to simplify
Why was movable property taxed? Is it true that the tax on movable property is being returned from 2021?
Employers - organizations and individual entrepreneurs using the labor of hired workers acquire the duty of a tax agent for
2-TP Waste - until February 1, 2021. The environmental report is submitted to legal entities. faces
« Back 10.12.2018 14:45 About the need for employers to submit a new report to employment centers Rostrud
Types of reporting under the simplified taxation system Depending on the data reflected in the reporting, you can