What groups of grounds for dismissal are identified by Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation? Reasons for dismissals given in
Legal aspects The dismissal of a manager at his own request is regulated by Chapter 43 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Article 280 Labor Code
Legal entities operate officially, therefore various relationships that develop with government agencies or other commercial
Very often, overpayment of salary to an employee can be caused by vacation, or more precisely, its overexpenditure or advances,
How to fill out a VAT return Data on the payer’s TIN and KPP are written in the top
In many ways, the authorities have already simplified the task of taxpayers - more and more services are provided by municipal and
Accounting The founder reflects his contribution to the authorized capital of other organizations on account 58
Home — Articles In 2013, most organizations and individual entrepreneurs must apply tariffs
10.22.2018 In this article we will look in detail at step-by-step instructions on how to properly keep records and
Right to earnings An employee sent on a business trip has the right to guarantees, in particular,