Title page 1-T
Filling out and submitting the 1-T report (number and need for workers)
What kind of report is this? The Federal State Statistics Service has introduced a report on the number and needs
Seven significant changes to personal income tax in 2021
Personal income tax stands for personal income tax. Payers of this tax are: residents of Russia,
Delivery of goods
Penalty for delay in fulfillment of obligations under the contract
Why is it required? Due to the presence of a penalty, conditions are created under which it is economically unprofitable for participants in contractual relations
Legal problems of the validity of currency clauses in contracts
The issue of the validity of currency clauses in contracts is not new, but it periodically becomes aggravated
Journal of one-time charges
Calculation and payroll of employees - procedure
What are the types of wages? In labor relations, several dozen types of wages can be distinguished.
Unified form TORG-10: sample filling and form, by whom it is filled out and where it is used
TORG-10 is an accounting document related to unified forms. It was approved by the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation on December 25, 1998.
Methodology for analyzing the financial condition of an enterprise
7.Assessment of the business activity of the enterprise. Business activity in the financial aspect is manifested in the speed of turnover of funds.
Procedure for submitting an updated VAT return
How to send a VAT adjustment VAT adjustments are provided if there were
Overhaul of fixed assets in accounting
(published in the magazine “Chairman of the HOA” No. 1 (75) 2014) Owners of premises in apartment buildings,
Form KND 1111053 “Notification on the creation on the territory of the Russian Federation of separate divisions (with the exception of branches and representative offices) of a Russian organization and on changes in previously reported
Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 7, 2017 N ММВ-7-17/ [email protected] officially approved the procedure for confirming tax status
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