free of charge After preparing financial statements, institutions need to prepare public disclosure of their indicators. In particular,
Any business transaction in the activities of the institution must be documented. Payment of wages to staff
Author of the article: Sudakov A.P. Papers confirming that an individual has a solvent status can
Changing the personal data of an organization’s employees is not uncommon. Most often, the surname is changed if there is a marriage
Since the general director in his employment status is not much different from an ordinary employee,
How to find out the checkpoint of an organization - the main reasons for registration Any legal entity has
Last changes: January 2021 Concluding an individual contract with specific terms is an abnormal phenomenon with
Which BCCs for individual entrepreneurs are valid in 2021? Have new BCCs been approved for individual entrepreneurs?
In accordance with the law, the invoice number is a mandatory detail. However, specific legislative rules for numbering
An invoice is a necessary document not only in accounting, but also in general