Toll scheme of work. Documents for registration according to the tolling scheme. ACCOUNTING SERVICES
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“Consultant”, N 12, 2004 RESERVE FOR FUTURE EXPENSES FOR PAYMENT OF HOLIDAYS For even distribution in
Field 33B Amount and currency Compulsory filling. Indicate: Transfer amount – the amount of funds that
As already mentioned in the previous article, the invoice confirms the conclusion of the contract for the carriage of goods. Transport
Cash delivery by an employee Often, companies do not use the services of special collection services and transport cash on their own.
Does the property belong to fixed assets No. 1. If the company put it into operation
When you do not need to charge VAT If the costs of goods (services) transferred for your own needs
The authorized capital is an estimate of the contributions made by the founders at the time of creation of the LLC. Funds are stored
Recording an inspection activity means drawing up and approving a document such as an inspection report. Moreover