Commentary to paragraphs 1, 2, 3 of Art. 7 Difference between the requirements of clause 1
Russian enterprises employ not only Russian citizens, but also foreign migrants. Legal employment
There are often cases when accounting departments accidentally overestimated the amount of a certain tax in transactions and entered
On January 1, 2012, the section of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation “Interdependent Persons” came into force.
In Russia, as you know, there are several tax regimes. They allow you to choose an acceptable tax burden
Every accountant has probably encountered the problem of needing to delete an erroneous document in the past.
Home / Labor Law / Vacation Back Published: 05/29/2016 Reading time: 7 min
In this article we will find out what taxes and contributions are subject to sick leave. Let's figure out what contributions
Starting with reporting for 2021, tax authorities began to control the accrual and payment of insurance
All insurers transfer information about personalized records of their employees to the Pension Fund. They are needed for