One of the priority areas for the development of the Russian economy is agriculture. Due to this
Payment order (or payment order) is a payment document confirming the order of the account owner (bank client) to
In my practice, I quite often came across a situation where employees were not paid a bonus
Federal laws of November 30, 2016 No. 401-FZ and No. 405-FZ amended Article 266
Discounts and bonuses (premiums) for customers. VAT taxation procedure and accounting nuances Discounts and bonuses
Magazine "Warehouse and Equipment", No. 3–4, 2008 // April, 2008 The process of goods receipt
91 accounts in accounting are closed depending on the period: the difference between the loan and
Property insurance refers to property insurance along with liability and business risks insurance (Art.
Due to numerous changes in legislation, the issue of receiving a pension from the state is becoming increasingly
Business trip during vacation Vacation during business trip After business trip on vacation After vacation