In the process of activity of each organization, many documents are always generated. The main volume is related to the management
Who must submit a balance sheet? A balance sheet is one of the accounting reporting forms. Legislation
What is the UTII-2 application in 2021? The UTII-2 application must be submitted to an individual entrepreneur,
Almost all costing instructions indicate the need for a monthly inventory of work in progress. Examination
Recently, the level of use of overtime work in the aggregate accounting of working hours to optimize
In sheet 02 of the declaration you determine the tax base, indicate the tax rates, calculate the tax and
Do I need to pay tax on a car purchased in 2013? Benefit for movable property,
Note! The UTII tax regime has been abolished since 2021. UTII payers need to choose another
All commercial organizations operating according to the system of determining the tax base based on accounting are faced with
Astral September 27, 2021 7758 Lifehack Charity has long become the norm for many people. TO