Any business transaction in the activities of the institution must be documented. Payment of wages to staff
Author of the article: Sudakov A.P. Papers confirming that an individual has a solvent status can
Types of discrepancies between accounting and tax accounting Tax accounting for which discrepancies between
Changing the personal data of an organization’s employees is not uncommon. Most often, the surname is changed if there is a marriage
Learning how to install an OS from components (1C: Accounting 8.3, edition 3.0) Lessons on 1C Accounting
Bank, cash desk Natalya Vasilyeva Certified tax consultant Current as of January 30, 2020 Organizations paying
Standard reports One of the main standard reports is the balance sheet created for account 01.
Since the general director in his employment status is not much different from an ordinary employee,
Working hours Denis Pokshan Expert in taxes, accounting and personnel records Current as of 19
Last changes: January 2021 Different procedures for paying wages and vacation pay cause a significant gap