Planning costs for the restoration of fixed assets Classification of repair costs Filling out requests for repairs Reflection
Home / Labor Law / Employment / Combination and part-time work Back Published: 08/05/2016 Time
You can trace the official career path of a citizen of the Russian Federation using a work book. It is drawn up by the employer when
RusTender Question and Answer 44-FZ VAT in a contract One of the most pressing issues when concluding a state
Last changes: January 2021 Concluding an individual contract with specific terms is an abnormal phenomenon with
Why is account 08 needed? 08 account is used to account for the company’s costs for property that
The educational teacher answers. “Pure” GPC are persons with whom only agreements have been concluded
Employer reporting Natalya Vasilyeva Certified tax consultant Current as of November 20, 2019 One of
Home / Labor Law / Payment and Benefits / Wages Back Published: 03/03/2016
What does the 2021 payment order consist of? Payment order created for generation and reflection