Postings on retail revenue and preparation of cash documents
Regulation of cash transactions Cash flow is typical for almost all enterprises and individual entrepreneurs.
employee compensation functions
Vacation when working part-time: the subtleties of granting
In the realities of modern life, there are often situations in which a person performs work duties in two
Filling out Form 2 of the balance sheet (sample)
What is an income statement? This is a form that is part of the financial statements along with
Reflection of production costs in accounting
Classification of costs in production All costs that arise in a manufacturing company can be divided into
Why is there a fine of 200 rubles under KBK 18211603010016000140?
⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Legal topics are very complex but, in this article, we
The procedure for issuing a 2-NDFL certificate to an employee in 2021
Organizations and individual entrepreneurs that are tax agents for personal income tax are required to report to the
redemption price: transactions with the lessee
What should the lessee take into account when purchasing the leased property?
General provisions A leasing agreement is a form of rental agreement, and therefore
KBK codes for 2013
BCC for land tax in 2021 - 2021 (penalties)
A professional accountant must know the new KBK for 2015 in order to do their job efficiently.
Payment for inter-shift rest days: calculations, examples
Using an example, let’s look at accounting and payment for inter-shift rest. The organization has introduced a rotational work method.
how to receive goods to the warehouse
How to properly register goods in a warehouse, posting products in the 1C program
Kontur.Accounting is a web service for small businesses! Quick establishment of primary accounts, automatic calculation of taxes, sending reports
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