Which contract to choose when selling goods through an intermediary
Often, in order to sell a particular product, an organization may need to use the services of an intermediary. This
When and how revaluation of fixed assets is carried out - cost recalculation methods and sample documents
Fixed tangible and intangible assets constantly change their residual value. Most gradually lose it,
OKVED cargo transportation 2018
Decoding OKVED codes and their classification 2021
In the field of providing repair and maintenance (MOT) services for cars, there is a fairly wide range of
Postings Dt 20 and Kt 20, 10, 26, 25, 02, 60 (nuances)
What is account 20 in accounting? 20 accounting account is one
Who is recognized as a tax agent for VAT (responsibilities, nuances)
Value added tax is paid on the sale of goods, works, services in Russia with
How to determine the length of insurance for calculating sick leave
What is labor, insurance and non-insurance experience? Many people have come across the concept of labor and
Accounting for membership fees in SRO: accounting entries
Membership in a self-regulatory organization is associated with certain expenses: payment of entrance and membership fees, transfer
What federal, regional and local taxes apply in Russia
One of the most controversial and complex types of taxation is VAT, that is, a tax on
Accounting for settlements with buyers and customers (account 62). Posting example
Accounting entries for advances from customers and suppliers
In accounting, an advance is a prepayment in the form of a sum of money that is transferred from the buyer
Shift work method: samples of basic documents
Regulatory framework Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 2, 2012 N 441n “On approval of the Procedure for issuing medical
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