Let's consider the variable costs of an enterprise, what they include, how they are calculated and determined in practice,
Off-balance sheet accounts summarize information about the presence and movement of material assets in the enterprise. They produce
Numbering on invoices over several years leads to the fact that the numbers on papers
How to fill out KUDiR on the simplified tax system “Income” The object of taxation affects which sections of the book
To properly organize the circulation of documentation, you must comply with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ
The act of acceptance and transfer of documents is intended to reflect the fact of transfer of documentation from one responsible person to another
Any employee may need local documents from the accounting department at the place of work, especially often
Faced daily with the challenges of the entrepreneurial sphere, learn to properly plan your day, interact with
The regulatory framework establishing the obligation to keep an inventory of affairs. The main document requiring companies to register documentation.
A company faced with temporary disability of an employee is obliged to pay him sick leave due by law. These