Tax penalties: when and how they need to be calculated
Penalty is a concept that is often found within financial legal relations. Intended to regulate contractual
Accounting account 76 – in what case is it used, characteristics, postings
Account 76 is used to distribute finances between creditors and debtors. There are more than
Reasons and grounds for writing off material assets
A plastic snow shovel is broken: what to do? Plastic snow shovel - reliable
issuing a loan to purchase goods from another company
How the loan is repaid to the founder in various ways
The vast majority of companies take out loans from time to time. Funds can be taken directly from
“Simplified”, compared to a patent, is good because it allows for a higher maximum annual income level
“Between two fires”: the expert spoke about which tax regime for individual entrepreneurs is better in 2021 - patent or simplified tax system
At the moment, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to choose from several taxation systems that differ from
Calendar pages with dates on the clock
Form 6-NDFL: presentation features, examples of filling
Deadlines and procedure for submitting the calculation The calculation is submitted by tax agents (Clause 2 of Article 230 of the Tax Code
Expenses taken into account by the Unified Agricultural Tax
List of expenses that are taken into account when calculating the unified agricultural tax
Expenses taken into account when calculating the Unified Agricultural Tax The Tax Code (Article 346.5) provides for a limited list of expenses that an agricultural entrepreneur
Kbk for transferring alimony for an employee to the bailiff service 2021
The procedure for filling out a payment order for bailiffs differs when withholding taxes and other deductions,
procedure for paying insurance premiums
Liability and penalties for non-payment of insurance premiums
For late payment or non-payment of insurance premiums in part or in full, companies are subject to
Budget accounting: how to accept, issue, move and write off workwear
How to organize accounting of workwear Institutions are required to issue personal protective equipment to their employees when performing
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