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What are the consequences if net assets are less than share capital?
How are net assets related to the company’s capital? Net assets are formed by current assets that were purchased
Conservation of fixed assets
Order on conservation and re-preservation of fixed assets
Author: Ivan Ivanov Every enterprise sooner or later faces the fact that some objects of the main
Account 40 in accounting: output of products (works, services)
The value of account 40 for accounting 40 account is intended to summarize information about what was issued in
Employee food expenses - accounting and taxation
Employers often provide comfortable working conditions for workers by establishing food establishments, such as canteens, or
Accounting for materials during the transition to the simplified tax system in connection with the abolition of UTII in “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0)
Home — Articles If you have a “simplified” approach with the “income” object. The article was written for “simplistic people”
Appointing a chief accountant: how to take into account all the nuances
The chief accountant is one of the key positions in almost all organizations, when concluding
How to reduce the “imputed” tax on contributions - basic rules
An individual entrepreneur using UTII has the opportunity to reduce the amount of UTII tax calculated for payment. That is,
Basic standards
Fuel consumption rates: we use winter coefficients
Fuel consumption standards are indicators approved annually by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. With the write-off of fuel and lubricants
A set of indicators characterizing the main features of taxation under each of the special regimes
Features of drawing up a request to the tax office about the taxation system and a sample document
The Russian tax system provides for several regimes. There are certain restrictions on their use, however
Online payroll calculator in 2021
If an employee is officially employed at work, then, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, he is entitled to a salary
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