Limitation periods for taxes for individuals and legal entities
What we are talking about In tax law, there is a limitation period for bringing to liability
Rules and procedure for collecting cash from the cash desk - registration, accounting, postings
Cash collection involves the movement by employees of a special service of money and documentary values, such as
How to apply the cash method in accounting under the simplified tax system in 2021
What rules should “simplified people” keep accounting records by? How to simplify management with minimal losses
Property of the organization
Gratuitous use of property: tax consequences of the parties
Civil legislation makes it possible to use someone else’s property both on a paid basis (lease agreement) and
excise taxes and VAT
How excise taxes affect price increases. What will change in 2021
Excise taxes and VAT are one of the key concepts for economists dealing with the peculiarities of
Procedure for reimbursement of transportation costs by the buyer
Procedure for reimbursement of transportation costs by the buyer
Methods for reimbursement of transportation costs under a supply agreement The supply agreement may provide for several options
We take into account fixed assets worth from 40 thousand to 100 thousand rubles: how to reflect temporary differences
The key resource of any manufacturing company is fixed assets, the analysis of which traditionally includes an assessment
supporting documents
Deadlines for a desk audit on VAT in 2021
Home / Taxes / What is VAT and when does it increase to 20 percent?
Which depreciation group does the server cabinet belong to?
Legal topics are very complex, but in this article we will try to answer the question “To
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How to keep tax records of direct and indirect expenses
If you are not familiar with the first two parts, then you can find and familiarize yourself with them
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