Classification of costs in management accounting
Direct and indirect costs. Basic and overhead costs.
Basic and overhead costs Based on the economic role in the production process, costs are divided into
procedure for filling out 2nd personal income tax
Country code 643, 804 and citizenship in personal income tax certificate 2
Every year, no later than April 1, employers - companies and individual entrepreneurs submit to the tax office
All about the duties of a labor protection specialist: requirements and responsibilities
Any work must be safe, no matter where and who you work with and,
Production accounting in 1C 8
Production accounting in 1C 8.3 Accounting - step by step for dummies
In this article I will give step-by-step instructions “for dummies” on the process of accounting for simple production
reverse balance sheet of cost items by group
Account 20. Accounting for production costs: postings
Today we will look at account 20 “Main production”. Why is it needed, what is taken into account on it. Which
KBK for payment of income tax credited to the budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation
Kontur.Accounting is a web service for small businesses! Quick establishment of primary accounts, automatic calculation of taxes, sending reports
Accounting and taxation in construction (nuances)
The construction of buildings or structures can be carried out on our own or with the involvement of a contractor. Stages
Netting between three organizations: postings, sample
Offsetting claims provides the opportunity to settle payments with counterparties quickly and without financial risks for the organization.
Changes to the simplified tax system 2021: video review from the editor-in-chief of the Simplified magazine
So. Since you have reached this page, we can assume that the choice of tax regime has been made
Is transport tax paid at the place where the car is registered?
Transport tax: what is it and who is obliged to pay it Important: payers are only
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