Transactions with foreign currency have certain accounting specifics. This can be difficult for an accountant,
Simplified tax system: what is the income of the principal? April 5, 2013 Letter from the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy
An individual entrepreneur in need of funds for personal needs can take money from the cash register or
Accounts receivable is the amount that shows how much an organization owes to other companies, individuals,
The concept of a power of attorney A power of attorney is a written authority issued by one person to another person or other persons.
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Receiving a large sum as a gift or winning a lottery is everyone’s cherished dream.
Advantages of the simplified tax system The most important benefit of the simplified taxation system is the low tax rate. She
To reconcile with the tax authorities, you will need two documents: A certificate of the status of settlements shows only the debt
In business, it often happens that a counterparty for some reason does not fulfill its obligations.