Business trip order (form T-9 and T-9a). How to register correctly

One of the forms of organizing an employee’s work at an enterprise can be a business trip. The concept of a business trip is disclosed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. A business trip is considered to be the performance by an employee (employees) of an enterprise of their official duties outside their permanent place of work, usually in another area (town, city, country) by written order of the employer. In the event that the employee’s work is in the nature of constant travel, then traveling will not be considered a business trip (Article 166 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2001 No. 197-FZ).

When sending an employee on a business trip, one should be guided by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008. No. 749.

The business trip is carried out at the expense of the enterprise, travel days are also paid. The employee’s consent to travel on a business trip on business of the organization is not required, since it is issued by a direct order of the first person of the organization (director, general director, etc.).

The following have the right to refuse a business trip:

  • One of the parents who raises the child alone (mother, father).
  • Employees who have large families.
  • Employees whose relatives are dependents or caretakers.

The listed categories of employees can still be sent on a business trip, but they must confirm their consent to the trip in writing.

It is prohibited to send on a business trip:

  • Pregnant women working at the enterprise;
  • Employees under 18 years of age.

To send an employee on a business trip, as a rule, an order is prepared in the form T-9 (when one person is sent on a business trip) or T-9a (when several employees are sent on a business trip).

The orders of forms T-9 and T-9a are similar, except that in form T-9a there is a plate where data on several employees of the enterprise is filled out, which allows you to rationally spend time on preparing the necessary documentation.

Currently, in business practice there are no strict requirements for the use of the above unified forms; the employer has the right to use them at his own discretion. An enterprise (firm) can create its own order form independently and approve it.

It is also permissible to make some changes to the T-9 and T-9a forms, making them more convenient for the needs of the enterprise or the work of an individual entrepreneur.

What may be the basis for creating a business trip order?

A number of documents may be the basis for creating a business trip order:

  • Service assignment.
  • Service note.
  • Indication of an organization that has great powers in relation to this enterprise.
  • Indication of the head of the enterprise, individual entrepreneur.

Despite the fact that since 2015, such a document as a “official assignment” is not mandatory for creating an order to send an employee on a business trip, experts recommend introducing it into the internal document flow of the enterprise, approving it with an order.

This will systematize and streamline work in the organization.

The order to send on a business trip, in turn, is the basis for the creation of subsequent necessary documents and actions, namely:


  • A document in the form T-12 and T-13 - a timesheet form for recording the working time of an enterprise employee.
  • Document in form T-10 - travel certificate form.
  • Advance report – a document confirming an employee’s expenses during a business trip


  • Issuance of money on account, usually from the company's cash desk, for possible expenses during a business trip.
  • Calculation of an employee's salary for the days during which he was on a business trip.

Why is it necessary?

An employee’s personal card is needed to preserve records from his work record (after dismissal), personal information and information about wages. This is done both in the interests of the employer and in the interests of the employee.

The card is stored for a long time - 75 years. The enterprise is required to maintain an archive of LKR. Until 2021, personal cards were used to record military personnel. But after making adjustments to the rules for registering persons liable for military service (PP No. 1302 of the Russian Federation dated 10/09/19), the Ministry of Defense must approve a different list of military registration documents.

In what order should the T-9 form be filled out?

Filling out the T-9 form is quite simple, since for each line and column there is an explanation in the form itself of what needs to be indicated in it. It is very important not to make mistakes when filling out the so-called “head” of the T-9 form.

Line titleWhat should be prescribedExample
Name of the organizationHere you must write the full name of the company that is the initiator of sending the employee on a business tripLLC "Gyacinth"
OKPODigital form of the OKPO code of this enterprise1230987654
Document NumberHere is the serial number of the T-9 form, which will be registered after registration in the journal115-K
dateIndicate the date the document was compiled24.03.2020

Next, we proceed to filling out that part of the form that contains direct information on this business trip, including about the employee who should be sent on the trip

Line titleWhat should be prescribedExample
Full NameEnter the full initials of the employee who is being sent on a business tripSergeev Vasily Petrovich
Personnel NumberIndicate the personnel number assigned to this employee
Name of profession, job titleIndicate the position held by the employeeChief Supply Specialist
Name of the structural unit (if any)Indicate in which specific structural unit the employee works (occupies a position)Purchase department
Destination (organization, city, country)Indicate exactly where the organization is located, the city, the country where the employee is sentRussian Federation, Simferopol, LLC "Tulip"
For a period of ______Duration of business trip in calendar days4
From/toIndicate specific dates of departure and arrival of the employee from the cityFrom 03/24/2020 until 03/27/2020
With the aim ofIndicate the purpose of the trip, it must coincide with the purpose specified in the orderConcluding a contract for the sale of goods
Business trip at the expense of fundsHere you must indicate which company (organization) will pay the expenses of the posted employeeLLC "Gyacinth"
BaseName, date and number of the document that became the basis for preparing the order and carrying out the tripService assignment dated March 20, 2020.

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In what order and taking into account what features should the T-9a form be filled out?

The T-9a order form is usually used in cases where it is necessary to send several employees on a business trip. The difference in this form in its structure is that here the list of employees is located from left to right, and not from top to bottom, so the form can only be used for a limited number of employees of the enterprise.

The so-called “header” of the form is filled out similarly to the T-9 form. Next, all the necessary lines and columns are filled in, but for several employees at the same time.

Line titleWhat should be prescribedExample
Full NameEnter the full initials of the employee who is being sent on a business tripSergeev Vasily PetrovichRebrov Evgeniy StepanovichPetrova Svetlana Ivanovna
Personnel NumberIndicate the personnel number assigned to this employee
Name of profession, job titleIndicate the position held by the employeeChief Supply SpecialistSupply OfficerLawyer
Name of the structural unit (if any)Indicate in which specific structural unit the employee works (occupies a position)Purchase departmentPurchase departmentLegal department
Destination (organization, city, country)Indicate exactly where the organization is located, the city, the country where the employee is sentRussian Federation, Simferopol, LLC "Tulip"Russian Federation, Simferopol, LLC "Tulip"Russian Federation, Simferopol, LLC "Tulip"
For a period of ______Duration of business trip in calendar days444
dateIndicate specific dates of departure and arrival of the employee from the cityFrom 03/24/2020 until 03/27/2020 From 03/24/2020 until 03/27/2020 From 03/24/2020 until 03/27/2020
With the aim ofIndicate the purpose of the trip, it must coincide with the purpose specified in the orderConcluding a contract for the sale of goodsConcluding a contract for the sale of goodsConcluding a contract for the sale of goods
Business trip at the expense of fundsHere you must indicate which company (organization) will pay the expenses of the posted employeeLLC "Gyacinth"LLC "Gyacinth"LLC "Gyacinth"
I have read the order
Personal signature of the employee


Reason: Official assignment dated March 20, 2020.

When all lines are completed, the document is signed by the head of the enterprise and the employee sent on a business trip. Signatures must be decrypted.

How are the duration of a business trip and the dates of departure/arrival from a business trip determined?

The duration of a business trip is determined by the employee’s immediate supervisor, taking into account the complexity, volume and other factors of the job assignment.

The date of departure of a vehicle, for example, a train, bus, plane, from the main workplace of a business traveler is usually considered the day the employee departs on a business trip. Accordingly, the date of return from a business trip is the date of arrival of any vehicle at the employee’s place of usual work (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2008 No. 749).

Important! Regardless of the specific time of departure or return of the employee, the terms of the business trip must be indicated in full days . So, for example, if an employee left at 22:15, then the date of this particular day should be indicated and this very day should be included in the duration of the business trip.

When an employee returns from a business trip, for example, at 00:20, this day must be recorded as a full day of return from a business trip.

Important ! It is prohibited to carry out the procedure for registering a business trip after it has been completed, i.e. backdating.

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What should a journal look like for recording orders to go on a business trip?

The responsible employee, usually an accountant, is required to register all orders for sending company employees on business trips in a separate journal, which is specifically designed for this purpose. The journal can be compiled in any form, on sheets printed on a computer or hand-graphed. Columns and lines of the journal are created arbitrarily, but the following information is important

  • Date of document creation.
  • The serial number under which the order is registered.
  • The title of the position of the employee sent on a business trip.
  • The full name of the employee sent on a business trip is indicated.
  • The name of the structural unit (if any) where the employee directly works.
  • Purpose of business trip.
  • Start/end date of the business trip.
  • The location where the employee is going.

Maintaining and filling out a log is mandatory for the responsible employee, since the absence of a completed log can lead to punishment for the employee responsible for this and the enterprise as a whole. This information may be useful later when certain controversial issues arise.

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Why do you need a personal card?

1. Storage and systematization of information. A personal card is a kind of employee dossier. In a condensed form, the card contains all the information about him: passport data, registration address, specialty, diploma number, level of foreign language proficiency, family information, etc. An employee of the HR department has the right to use a personal card in their work. For example, a personnel officer can create any benefits for an employee based on the family composition indicated on the card. An accountant can also use it - T-2 may contain information that is the basis for any additional payments. Separate records of a specialist’s qualifications can help him take a higher position or expand his functionality.

2. Document important changes. Date of entry to work, order number, transfer from one job to another, promotion, awards and incentives - all this is important information about the employee. Of course, they are accompanied by timely orders, schedules, acts and other things - however, the entire amount of knowledge about these changes is contained in the personal card - they can be seen chronologically. Storing data on a single T-2 form will help avoid misunderstandings or conflict situations. A large amount of information can be restored in case of loss. The employee signs on a personal card about all changes occurring in his career, certifying with his signature his acceptance of these changes and agreement with them.

3. Military registration. The employer is required to keep records of employees (this is specified in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”). The accounting itself is carried out using personal cards, in which the corresponding section is filled out. Also, the employer, having filled out a personal card, must explain to employees liable for military service the procedure for fulfilling their military duty.

4. Statistics and food for thought. In general, information from T-2 can serve as a kind of database about the organization’s human resources. After analyzing this data, the enterprise administration can draw conclusions about the qualifications of its specialists, their successes and career paths, and use this knowledge for the development of the company.

What types of cards are there?

There are two official forms of cards - the usual T-2 and for a civil servant T-2GS (MS). The forms differ only in that for a civil servant, the length of service in the civil service is separately indicated, which gives the right to bonuses for length of service and to additional payments to the pension.

How to maintain and store cards

Creation, maintenance and storage of personal cards is mandatory. They can only exist on paper. Storing them in electronic form is not provided for by law because they must contain the handwritten “live” signatures of employees.

Cards must be kept in strict order in a locked safe or cabinet. The responsible HR specialist must have access to them. Under no circumstances should you provide access to cards to third parties, because the employer is obliged to ensure complete confidentiality of personal data of employees. If a specialist quits, the card is archived and stored for 75 years.

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