The accounting policy (AP) is a “particularly important” document that collects aggregate information about
In Tsarist Russia The first law regulating working hours was adopted in the Russian Empire
How to fill out the 6-NDFL calculation for the 4th quarter of 2021? Has the new payment form been approved?
STS is a simplified taxation system. Some companies have the right to use it if they comply with the agreed
Land tax is monetary payments made in favor of the state, which are collected from organizations and
Sick leave under the FSS pilot project in the regions participating in the experiment is paid according to a different scheme. Transition order
The assignor and the assignee are the main actors (parties) in the agreement for the assignment of rights (assignment agreement).
Salaries must be paid twice a month - in advance and in the main payment. But every
The calculation consists of: title page; section 1 “Generalized indicators”; section 2 “Dates and amounts
In order to legalize the wages of employees in organizations and increase control over compliance with rights