Analysis of financial statements is a complex process that allows us to evaluate both the efficiency of an enterprise’s economic activities,
Depreciation of leased property in accounting Leasing is a transaction involving 3 parties: the lessee
Organizations offering insurance services are required to maintain accounting records. Their activities are controlled by the insurance market department, the existing
In the first (electronic) issues of the magazine, we already introduced the reader to the procedure for accrual and payment
Explanations to the tax office regarding VAT are explanations from the taxpayer in response to the request of the Federal Tax Service,
Declaration 3-NDFL 2021 for 2021 In addition to the above changes, the composition of some sheets, in
Tutorial 1C: Accounting 8 In the last lesson, you and I learned how to receive goods and materials, additional. expenses
Explanations to the Balance Sheet and the Financial Results Statement If annual dividends for the reporting period
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07/09/2019 0 61 6 min. Having worked at one enterprise for more than six months, a person automatically