The act in form KM-3 is used to document the fact of the return of funds to the buyer.
A posted worker cannot afford to spend his own money to move around a foreign city. He
Homeworker: the concept of homework Recently, homeworkers have been in fairly wide demand, since
Inventory is a procedure during which property and liabilities are checked for availability,
What is a loan agreement between legal entities? A similar form of legal relations between enterprises provides for an agreement, with
Changes It is no secret that the rates of contributions to state social funds are the second highest
← Prev. articleFinishing materials: what are they needed for, classification In addition to building materials, there is a huge category of accessories for
Certain categories of employees Oksana Lim Expert in tax and labor relations Current as of February 5
Accounting Olga Yakushina Tax expert-journalist Current as of March 20, 2020 Summarize information about
Remuneration of an employee The employee who manufactured defective products is paid as follows. If the manufactured product