How to correctly enter the changed surname of an employee in the work book

Among the many situations in life, there is one such as changing your surname. This entails the replacement of many personal documents. After all, this is actually a change of personal data. For an employed person, the most important document, at least until 2021, when electronic personnel records of all employees in the country will be introduced, is the work book. The HR manager’s task is to make changes to it correctly.

  • 2 For the HR officer - instructions and a sample for making an entry about changing the last name in the work record
    2.1 Video instructions: how to make a change in the last name in the work record
  • 3 What other personnel documents are adjusted?
  • 4 If changes were made with an error: how to fix it
  • The legislative framework

    Most often, a change of surname is made upon marriage. Federal Law “On Acts of Civil Status” (FZ-143, adopted back in 1997), in Art. 30 establishes that such a change in personal data is confirmed by a marriage certificate. Last name is a mandatory detail of the passport as an identity document: this information, according to Art. 19 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation are the main identifying factors for a citizen. Therefore, it is quite logical that if such personal data changes, a replacement passport is necessary (this is expressly stated in clause 12 of the Passport Regulations, approved by Government Decree No. 828 in 1997).

    Work book (LC), according to Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, being the main document of an employee, contains information about all stages of his activities.

    Two by-laws establish the form and procedure for maintaining the Labor Code:

    • Rules of conduct, they are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 (hereinafter referred to as simply the Rules);
    • Instructions on the procedure for filling out were approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation on October 10, 2003, number 69 (hereinafter referred to as the Instructions).

    Based on paragraphs. “a” clause 9 of the Labor Code Rules necessarily contains identifying information about the employee, which is entered on the basis of the passport. Therefore, when changing a citizen’s passport, similar amendments must be made to the Labor Code.

    Adjustments to employee information are made in accordance with paragraphs. 26 and 2.3 Instructions.

    Procedure for changing a signature

    Very often, a change of surname entails some changes in the style of its owner’s signature. It is quite logical that using the old option, which contained the initial letters of the previous personal data, does not make any sense.

    In this case, the law does not in any way infringe on the rights of citizens, who can dispose of their strokes as they please. But do not forget that a signature is not only our personal distinctive sign, it is also confirmation that we have signed documents. Therefore, if you have changed your signature along with your last name, the HR department employee must take a new sample of it.

    Making changes to the work book

    In addition to information about the work performed, changes in jobs, dismissals and awards for success at work, information about the employee is entered into the work book. These, according to existing legislation, include:

    • FULL NAME;
    • Date of Birth;
    • information about education and qualifications.

    Entries in the Labor Code concerning the listed information can be corrected if there are reasons and documentary evidence for this. The reason, for example, may be a change of surname due to marriage, as well as spelling errors. As for documentary evidence, they can be a marriage certificate, passport, birth certificate, certificate of change of surname or name, divorce and other official documents.

    Changes are made by the employer at the last place of employment. If a change in information about an employee occurred after dismissal from work, then the changes are made by the previous or current employer. If the organization that made the inaccurate spelling no longer exists, then the new employer makes changes to the work book.

    According to paragraph 31 of the “Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers,” a duplicate of this document is issued if its original is lost. In other cases, appropriate changes are made to it.

    An entry into the Labor Code is made based on the employee’s application.

    The manager’s decision must be formalized with an appropriate administrative document: an order.

    Data about the basis document is entered on the inside of the first page of the TC.

    How to record a new surname

    The employee’s personal data is indicated on the title page of the work book. The instructions for filling it out contain specific instructions on how to record a change in personal data:

    • all changes are made to the title page - where the previous personal information is indicated;
    • the surname that is subject to change must be crossed out with a neat, even line. Next to it you need to make an entry in your employment record with new relevant information;
    • On the inside cover, the personnel officer makes a note about the reasons for the changes made. In particular, we are talking about entering data about the document that served as the basis for this. For example, a marriage or divorce certificate. It is necessary to indicate the type of document, its series and number, and date of issue.

    In fact, the law does not prescribe where exactly on the title page the new entry should appear. In practice, it is placed where there is free space. This can be above the crossed out name, below it or next to it. Any of the options is not denied by law.

    A record of a change of name must be certified by the signature of the head of the personnel department or the person in charge, and the company’s seal is also affixed here.

    Entry in the work book about a change of surname

    When changing the surname, the corresponding entry is made taking into account the following rules:

    • the old surname is crossed out;
    • the new surname is indicated next to or above the old surname;
    • a note about the change is written on the inside of the cover indicating the details of the supporting document;
    • The employee responsible for making changes puts his signature and transcript, as well as the seal of the organization.

    Separately, it is worth noting that it is recommended to make amendments compactly, because they can be made more than once, since the surname in the work book often changes after marriage. The organization's seal must be placed so that it does not interfere with the reading of the information.

    As an example of how to change a surname in a TC, we present the following entry made on the inside cover of the document:

    “Ivanov’s last name was changed to Petrov on the basis of a marriage certificate, series AT No. 123321, issued on May 1, 2017 by the Kutuzovsky Civil Registry Office, Moscow Civil Registry Office. HR specialist Signature (Sidorova A.L.) seal of the organization.”

    Sample change of surname in a work book

    This material discusses the most common case that requires amendments to the Labor Code. Despite the variety of reasons for editing information in this document, the general algorithm of actions and wording remains similar.

    What other personnel documents are corrected?

    If personal data about an employee changes, HR officers will have to correct the information in other personnel documentation:

    1. In the work record book.
    2. In the employee’s personal account (Form No. T-54), which records all payments to the employee at the enterprise.
    3. In the employee’s personal card (Form No. T-2), here, in addition to changing the last name, you need to update your passport data.

      Information about the change of surname and passport is entered into the employee’s personal card

    4. In the employment contract. To do this, an additional agreement is drawn up, which again duplicates the grounds for making adjustments, and sets a deadline for the entry into force of the person’s new personal data.

      An additional agreement to the employment contract fixes changes in the employee’s personal data

    5. In the vacation schedule, statements, and other personnel documentation.

    If a person has not received SNILS on his own, this task is assigned to the employer. To obtain a pension certificate, the personnel officer (or accountant, depending on who is involved in this issue at the enterprise) needs to draw up and send to the regional division of the Pension Fund a package of documents, which should include:

    • application form in the ADV-2 form, please note that the application must contain the updated signature of the person who changed his last name;
    • inventory-list of documentation (form ADV-6);
    • previous SNILS of the employee;
    • photocopy of the employee's new passport.

    Where else to make changes

    In addition to the Labor Code, amendments containing information about the employee’s current personal data are made to the following accounting and personnel documents:

    • private bussiness;
    • personal accounts;
    • employment contract;
    • all other personnel and accounting forms where necessary (that is, where personal data is indicated).

    In a personal card, old data can be crossed out and current data can be entered, or a page form from the card with new information can be printed, and a mark indicating its replacement can be placed on the old sheet. The date of renewal, details of the basis document, information about the person making the amendments, and his signature and seal must be indicated. If there is not enough space, information can be specified in the free fields of the “Additional Information” section.

    There are different opinions regarding the mandatory nature of amendments to the contract. Some personnel workers do not see the need for this, citing Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes that editing a contract is necessary only if missing data is entered, and not if it is changed. But in order to avoid troubles, it is better to approve the amendments by an additional agreement.

    Sample order

    Information about changes must also be entered into the employee’s personal card and personal account in order to receive a salary.

    There is a requirement to indicate new information in the employment contract. However, according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the agreement cannot be changed, but only supplemented. Therefore, the owner of the book signs an additional agreement attached to the current employment contract.

    The organization issues an order, according to which an entry is made in the employment record about the change of surname on the basis of marriage. It is filled in by

    The order must be familiarized with signature to all interested parties - employee, employer, personnel officers and accounting department.

    Important documents will be invalid if the employee’s personal data specified in them is incorrect. Therefore, a record confirming the change of name must be made in a timely manner.

    Responsibility of the parties for the accuracy of information

    The employer is responsible for correctly filling out employee documents. Employees completing forms may be subject to disciplinary action and other sanctions established by law if they make mistakes or fail to properly perform their duties.

    The employee's responsibility for providing reliable information is not directly established by law. The employer may, on his own initiative, include an obligation to provide up-to-date data within a specific period of time in the contract or internal local regulations. In this case, if these rules are violated, the employee may be subject to disciplinary action. In this case, the employee must be familiarized with such documents against signature, that is, he must be aware of such an obligation.

    Application for change of surname

    What to do if you remarry

    It happens that a marriage is concluded several times with the same person: that is, first the citizens got married, then divorced, then got married again. Do not forget that all three procedures require changes to be made in documents, unless, of course, they are all accompanied by a change in personal data.

    So, the algorithm of actions on how to correctly enter a record of a change of surname in the work book upon remarriage will look exactly the same as in the two previous cases. This means that the application will need to be accompanied by a certificate of a new marriage and a passport with changed personal data. Next, the personnel officer acts according to the above scheme.


    Russian Federation, Ufa Wrote 36 messages Reputation: August 19, 2014, 14:00 If you change your last name, you must apply for a replacement passport within 30 days.

    In case of untimely receipt or replacement of a passport (more than 30 days), administrative liability arises as provided for in Part 1 of Article 19.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles).

    I want to draw the moderator's attention to this message because: A notification is being sent.

    Russian Federation, Tyumen Wrote 3631 messages Reputation: August 20, 2014, 8:32 am Tatyana wrote: Good afternoon, tell me, when changing the last name, how to correct the last name in the journal of the movement of labor books? What for


    Also, in accordance with the Federal Law of 05/08/2010 N 83-FZ “On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions”, a new type of budgetary institution has the right to attract loans and enter into financial leasing agreements, which give managers of budgetary institutions the opportunity to purchase vehicles or equipment for the provision of paid services, develop the material base for scientific research, etc.

    The head of the organization has the right of first signature on payment or loan documents, and therefore, it is necessary to notify the bank about the change in the name of the head and replace the bank card with sample signatures (clause 7.14 of the Instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 14, 2006 N 28-I “On opening (closing) ) bank accounts, deposit accounts).

    Error correction

    Errors in important documents are quite rare. But if an incorrect entry is made, it is possible to correct it, but this should be done in accordance with the law.

    Many HR specialists, even with extensive work experience, do not know what to do if there is a mistake in the last name in the work book.

    In 2003, special instructions were developed that regulate the procedure for filling out work books. Any corrections made must comply with these requirements.

    Incorrectly entered data can be identified in different parts of the work book, in its sections or on its insert.

    The correction procedure is almost the same in all cases. But there may be some peculiarities that are important to pay attention to.

    If the errors are not corrected, problems with receiving your pension may arise in the future . If errors are identified in an already valid document, the entry is not crossed out or shaded, it is corrected with a new entry below.

    These are general rules for correcting errors. In addition, there are certain cases that have their own correction features.

    Even when an error in the document was made by management from the previous place of work, specialists of the new company make corrections in the employment document.

    Errors in spelling surnames are the most common. They appear if the surname is written down by ear, due to inattentive reading of the passport or elementary illiteracy.

    Such corrections are made to the work book using light-resistant and water-resistant paste. Color allowed is black, purple or dark blue.

    If, when correcting a surname, HR department employees do not follow the established procedure, they will thickly smear the previous surname with a proofreader or cross it out so that it becomes impossible to read.

    This is a gross violation and in this case the question arises as to whether the work book needs to be changed. The old one will have to be destroyed and a new one will have to be drawn up with the drawing up of an act.

    Sometimes it happens that an employee’s last name was changed on the title page of the work report, but they forgot to do it in the insert.

    Thus, if after marriage or for some other reason the surname changes, these changes must be reflected in the citizen’s work book. In this case, there is no need to change it to a new one.

    Since the law provides for the possibility of correcting it . This procedure must be carried out by the personnel officer or the head of the company strictly in accordance with the rules of the relevant regulations.

    By adhering to strict consistency in his actions, an employee of the personnel department will be able to easily understand such a situation.

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