Job description for the specialty "General Director of OJSC"

How to write a job description for the general director of an LLC

  1. The position of the general director must be specified in the organization's charter. A limited liability company acts as an employer, and the director acts as an employee. In small companies, the general director can combine both the Founder and the chief accountant and conduct personnel production. All this is possible only if all these positions are specified in the job description.
  2. The position of the general director is approved by the founders at the general meeting.
  3. The founders’ competence also includes identifying the requirements and professional qualities of the general director and his experience. Job responsibilities and powers are documented. Based on this data, a job description is drawn up.

The General Director must report on his actions to the Founders.

Who writes the job description

  1. Founders. At the general meeting, the Founders draw up an employment contract and job description of the director, which includes all the rights and obligations of the applicant for the position of director.
  2. Lawyer. If the Founders are not competent in drawing up a job description, then this matter can be entrusted to a lawyer with experience in the work.

A traditional document can be the sample set out in GOST R. 6.30 - 2003.

It is worth noting that the contract for hiring a director and the job description are not drawn up for a specific person. These documents act as a template, and a suitable person is selected for them.

Like any other document, the director’s instructions, namely the responsibilities contained therein, may change at the request of the Founders, or for other reasons. In this case, the general director will have to familiarize himself with the new document and sign it.

Mistakes that are made while filling out

Most often, when filling out an order, a specialist may make the following mistakes:

  • spell the name of the organization incorrectly;
  • lack of bank details;
  • omit or write incorrectly the date of the document;
  • do not indicate the registration number;
  • failure to indicate the validity period of approved letterheads;
  • do not indicate the position;
  • make corrections with a simple pencil or a pen of a different color;
  • write the text in illegible handwriting;
  • correct a lot in the document;
  • make spelling mistakes;
  • artificially age an order;
  • erase the text.

Structure of the job description of the general director of an LLC

The specifics of the enterprise and the field of activity of the company are what determine the structure of the job description.

But there are general provisions that are typical for each company:

  1. General requirements for a director : certain knowledge, skills, experience in the field of work of the Company, which should be a distinctive feature of the director; it specifies what documents the director should follow when working with subordinates; issues of appointment, removal, dismissal and temporary replacement of the position of director are regulated.
  2. Responsibilities of the director : the function of the general director is formalized. Organizational responsibilities: manage, organize, collect, control, notify, represent interests and other functions, with the maximum description of each item.
  3. Legal aspects: all the rights of the general director and his capabilities are prescribed.
  4. Responsibility of the general director: criminal, administrative, financial and other liability of the general director.


APPROVED General director

Arbuz LLC

Medvedeva O. V.

"01" August 2015

  1. Requirements for the director.
      The General Director manages the LLC, its production, economic and financial activities.
  2. The General Director is fully subordinate to the general Founding Meeting of Arbuz LLC.
  3. The general director can be replaced by his deputy or another person appointed to the position by order of the general director.
  4. Responsibilities of the director.
      Maintains the legality of all activities of the enterprise, and also prepares the necessary documents for licensing the company.
  5. Regulates relations between public and private backgrounds and enterprises.
  6. Negotiates with creditors, investors, customers.
  7. We are developing the most effective management system, the purpose of which will be to improve product quality and increase sales.
  8. Introduces and controls the Founders' proposals for the development of the company.
  9. Organizational responsibilities.
      Regulates and organizes work, controls all structural divisions.
  10. Provides the enterprise with all necessary equipment at the expense of the enterprise’s finances.
  11. Organizes the work of highly qualified personnel at the enterprise.
  12. The general director checks the knowledge and professional qualities of workers. Organizes training courses to improve the skills of workers, if necessary.
  13. Conducts job reviews of workers. Eliminates all shortcomings and personnel errors.
  14. Legal aspects. The General Director has the right:
      4.1 Hire and fire employees.
  15. 4.2 Sign documents within the competence of the position.
  16. 4.3 Conclude agreements with credit, budget and private organizations.
  17. 3.4 Calculate salaries.
  18. 3.5.Open bank accounts.
  19. Responsibility of the General Director.
      The general director is the financially responsible person and also protects the interests of the property in court.
  20. The general director is responsible for failure to comply with operating procedures, fire safety and other measures.

Sample job description for Deputy General Director of LLC

APPROVED General director

LLC "Chiffonier"

Oparina L. E.

"01" July 2015

  1. General requirements.
      The Deputy General Director is subordinate to the General Director.
  2. The Deputy General Director is appointed and dismissed from office by order of the General Director.
  3. All other general requirements correspond to the requirements of the General Director.
  4. Responsibilities of the Deputy General Director.
      Notifies the general director of emerging emergencies.
  5. The Deputy General Director is assigned the same responsibilities as the General Director.
  6. Rights of the Deputy General Director.
      Manage the working staff.
  7. Give instructions, instructions, issue orders.
  8. The Deputy General Director can represent the interests of the enterprise at meetings.
  9. Have access to documents.
  10. Has the right to demand that the general director provide organizational and technical conditions.
  11. Responsibility
      The deputy general director is subject to the same responsibilities as the general director.

Approval of instructions

After drawing up the above documents, an order is issued to appoint a general director, an employment contract and job description are signed.

If the Society includes several Founders , then one representative is selected among them, who ratifies the instructions. If the founder of the LLC is one person, and he is also the general director, then he, on the basis of a decree, signs documents for himself.

job description of the general director in MS Word format.

Requirements that must be observed when drawing up a document

The list of requirements that a specialist must comply with when drawing up an order:

  • Adhere to the legal spacing between the edges of the page and the text.
  • The order is issued only on white and high-quality A4 paper.
  • The date must be written in numbers.
  • Provide contact information for the organization.
  • You cannot use state symbols of the Russian Federation.
  • The document must contain all signatures and their transcripts.
  • Seal impression.

General Director – Founder

If the founder of an LLC is considered to be one person, and he himself is considered the general director, then he himself draws up a job description for himself (the general director) and approves it himself. But, if we refer to the Labor Code, then all these actions are not necessary if both the Founder and the General Director are the same person.

In Russia there is one inspection - FSTiZ - this is the labor and employment service, it is the one that can check the presence of such a job description at the enterprise. It is for this that this document is needed.

Main nuances in the execution of an order

The law does not impose any requirements both on the content of the order and on its execution, so it can be written on an ordinary A4 sheet or on the company’s letterhead. The text can be typed on a computer or written by hand (with a ballpoint pen of any dark color, but not with a pencil).

Only one point must be strictly observed: the document must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized to endorse such papers.

At the same time, there is no strict need to stamp it: this should be done only when the norm for the use of stamped products is enshrined in the local legal acts of the enterprise.

The management's order, executed in writing, must be registered in the internal documents register.

Features of job descriptions of enterprise managers in different fields

A limited liability company is considered the most common form of enterprise, since individual entrepreneurs are limited in some respects; moreover, companies with the legal form of LLC are more prestigious, but at the same time more responsible to third parties.

The job description of the general director will directly depend on what the Company will do. For example, it is impossible to use the same job description template for the general director for a company whose field of activity relates to medicine and a company engaged in the production of upholstered furniture.

For example:

  • Construction firm . The key point in the job description of the general director of a construction company will be to provide the company with orders through negotiations with suppliers of construction products. The director must pay special attention to the safety of construction workers at work sites, and take measures in the event of emergencies.
  • Furniture factory. The competence of the general director at a furniture factory includes negotiations with suppliers of furniture accessories. The director is also responsible for maintaining fire safety premises for furniture production and the safety of workers when working on machines.
  • Trading enterprise. Knowledge of consumer protection legislation, trademarks, product licensing, rules for storing, selling and transporting confectionery products rests on the “shoulders” of the general director in the trade sector.
  • Dental office. The general director, who is also the chief physician, bears full responsibility for the actions of medical personnel. Responsible for the selection of qualified personnel.

It can be seen that from the above examples, each organization differs in the specific job descriptions of the general director, and the staff in general at the company.

Oral or written order?

Some managers prefer to give orders to subordinates orally : from their point of view, this saves time and eliminates additional paperwork. However, this option is not the best solution.

For example, there are cases when an employee carries out orders from his superiors inappropriately or completely ignores them. In such a situation, it will be impossible to bring him to disciplinary action for failure to comply with an oral order.

If you draw up the document in writing , such difficulties (and many others) can be avoided.

That is why experts strongly recommend that all key working moments in terms of administrative activities be formalized in writing: orders or instructions.

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