How to choose OKVED codes is a question that worries every entrepreneur at the stage of registering a legal entity
A bill of exchange is a financial document that records the abstract financial obligation of the drawer to the owner of the bill. This type
Depreciation means transferring the cost of fixed assets (FP) and intangible assets (IA) to the cost of work,
For a beginner, it may seem that using the 1C 8.3 program is very difficult and nothing
Home / Uncategorized / How to include a laptop in accounting for more than 100 thousand rubles Initial
A mandatory condition of the agreement between the employer and the employee is the existence of a properly executed employment contract
Kontur.Accounting is a web service for small businesses! Quick establishment of primary accounts, automatic calculation of taxes, sending reports
“Our organization uses the simplified tax system. In 2021 we plan to open an additional branch - a branch
The provision of subsoil to legal companies is formalized by a special state permit (license), confirming its right
Every person who is officially employed is required to form his own pension. Currently