New reporting form for 2021 for all employers With the beginning of 2021, insurance
How to compose a document There is no unified form; a free one is used to create a document. Solution structure
Important components of a leasing agreement A leasing agreement is always drawn up in writing. It reflects
Any business is built on commodity-money relations, be it a physically tangible product or some kind of service.
Sometimes it happens that enterprises act as executors for some design, scientific, construction and other
Form of the act Typically, companies independently develop the form that will be used in this situation. Naturally,
Inspection of individual entrepreneurs by the tax inspectorate Each individual entrepreneur, regardless of the form of taxation (general or
First, recall that auxiliary account 00 is a service account. It is only found in accounting programs
In order for the money to go into the budget, you must fill out the payment order correctly. Otherwise money
To replenish the company's budget, a legal entity can take out a loan in the form of money using