Trade organizations regularly face the need to write off goods that have become unusable. First of all, this
It is necessary to generate an FPR (financial performance report) for 2021 on an updated form
Before answering the question of what is not subject to depreciation, let us explain this accounting term. All
Who applies Companies that are payers of income tax (except for credit organizations, as well as
The assets and liabilities of an enterprise are important economic concepts that allow you to evaluate the efficiency and
For a detailed step-by-step calculation of advance payments and simplified tax system, you can use this free
Who submits the declaration Order of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources No. 1043 dated December 10, 2020 amended the current
The useful life of a vehicle is the period during which the vehicle generates economic value.
Each tax must be paid by the organization on time. This rule applies not only to
Why is the program needed? The head of an enterprise or organization is obliged to create an optimal and safe production