Author of the article: Vladimir Danilevsky Last modified: January 2021 5784 The current legislation clearly indicates
Goals and objectives of cash accounting Accounting for amounts in the form of cash or non-cash assets
The unified social tax is a tax that gives Russians the right to receive pension and social benefits.
Construction materials are one of the key factors in determining the cost of constructed buildings and structures. Errors
In what cases is a zero income tax return submitted? Obligation to submit a “profitable” return
The tax base of transport tax is one of the components of the formula for calculating this type
Trading fee is a quarterly payment for trading activities, established at the local level. Tax
The Tax Service in Letter dated December 17, 2014 No. BS-4-11/26159 indicated new codes
Home — Articles “Simplers” are not payers of value added tax. That is, not
In what cases is a collection order issued? A collection order is a payment document for debiting