What is the penalty for violating the settlement limit Violation of the settlement limit can result in consequences for entrepreneurs and
Types of insurance Let us immediately stipulate that taxation rules, especially in terms of income tax, are very
Where to get it When accountants prepare a transport declaration, they often encounter difficulty in determining
The need to increase the authorized capital arises in the following cases: an increase due to a cash contribution
The formation of shipping documents for primary documentation is an important stage in commodity-money relations. Agreement
From 01/01/2019, it is recommended that goods returns to suppliers be processed through adjustment invoices. These recommendations
November 27, 2018 Accounting Anna Kuklina Working capital is one of the main criteria that determines
Questions discussed in the material: What is the authorized capital of a company? Why does a company need
A bill of exchange is a security (Article 815 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), which certifies the obligation of the drawer or another
Depreciation groups for fixed assets from the beginning of 2021 are determined based on new rules regulated