KBK “Property tax for 2021 for legal entities” is the code indicated
What benefits are we talking about? The law talks about payments from the Social Insurance Fund for disability benefits,
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With foreign buyers and suppliers, settlements most often occur in foreign currency. For this
To organizations and individual entrepreneurs who have received the right to use strict reporting forms (SSR) instead of a cash document
Basic definition It would seem that revenue is the amount received during the sale of goods. But
Why is KUDiR needed? Individual entrepreneur on a simplified basis does not keep accounting records and does not hand over and
Authorized capital is the assets of the organization, which the founders of the LLC contribute after state registration. WITH
Learn about the secrets of filling out a standard document Adjusting the implementation of the operation type Correction in primary documents.
IFRS: training, methodology and implementation practice for companies and specialists Joint project of IPB of Russia