The legislation provides that when concluding an agreement between the buyer and the supplier, the latter is obliged to supply the customer
General provisions The Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that only the employer can decide whether
One of the most popular activities is the repair of machinery and equipment. Neither
Liquidation commission To make a decision on the partial liquidation of a fixed asset, create a commission that should:
The essence of any economic event is duality and reciprocity: the supplier of the goods sends it to the buyer,
11/19/2017 A. Gordon Central Bank of the Russian Federation from January 1, 2021 established new currency rules
Kontur.Accounting is a web service for small businesses! Quick establishment of primary accounts, automatic calculation of taxes, sending reports
Concept and rules of accounting Regulates the accounting of financial investments PBU 19/02 with the same name.
They returned a cash loan with goods, what to do. For example, returning a loan to the founder with a car, which is property
Income tax expenses: general rules General requirements for income tax expenses