Explanation to the tax office about late payment of personal income tax
Tax authorities cannot conduct desk audits in relation to 2-NDFL Certificates submitted by the tax agent, because
VAT on transfer of property to the authorized (share) capital
Receiving property as a contribution to the authorized capital is a special operation. The founder must restore
The procedure for increasing the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings
How to reflect in the accounting of a Russian organization (limited liability company (LLC)) operations to increase
methods for evaluating semi-finished products of own production
Account 21 in accounting: Semi-finished products of own production
A manufacturing enterprise either purchases semi-finished products externally or produces them in-house. Purchased from suppliers
arrears is the amount of a tax or fee
How tax arrears are collected from 2021: changes
Arrears is the amount of tax, fee or insurance premium not paid on time or over-reimbursed
Outstaffing agreement and outsourcing agreement - what is the difference
Many organizations, in order to save money on wages and optimize personnel policies,
Account 83 in accounting. Accounting for additional capital. Postings
Participants of the company are obliged, by decision of the general meeting of participants of the company, to make contributions to the property of the company.
The amount of the fine for late submission of the 6-NDFL report
Violations of tax legislation requirements for filling out and timely submitting Form 6-NDFL to the Federal Tax Service
Dobby is free
General tax system for individual entrepreneurs in 2021 - 2021 (nuances)
For an individual entrepreneur, OSN is the most unfavorable tax regime, since its application requires
Account 25 “General production expenses” in accounting
What is 81 accounts intended for? 81 accounts are used to summarize information about the availability and
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