How to fill out RSV if an employee is on leave without pay in 2021
As always, we will try to answer the question “How to Fill out RSV If an Employee is on Vacation
Calculation according to the RSV-1 form (reporting for employees to the Pension Fund of Russia)
Source/official document: Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation 01/16/2014 No. 2p Where to submit: To the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
sending a tax return by mail
How to properly send tax returns by mail?
I went on vacation to visit my parents in the village. The time has come to submit income reports to
private bussiness
An example of proper registration of an employee’s personal file
What documents are included in a personal file? It is recommended to place documents in your personal file in
How to reflect negative personal income tax in 6 personal income tax?
2-NDFL and 6-NDFL: Federal Tax Service talks about typical mistakes
When might negative values ​​occur? All fields of the 6 personal income tax report can be divided into
Payments for corporate cards in 1C: Accounting 8.3
The business transaction “cash withdrawal” can take place in absolutely any organization. In this article we
Increase in personal income tax in 2018 for individuals
New in personal income tax in 2021: changes in the payroll and income tax rates
Almost all types of income of citizens are subject to personal income tax. The tax rate varies depending on
Transfer from off-balance sheet accounts 03 and 07: to reflect or not?
Establishing and maintaining off-balance sheet accounting is clearly not a priority for companies today. The reason is simple:
Features of reporting under a civil contract with an individual
July 20 is the deadline for submitting 4-FSS for the first half of 2021 in paper format. Those,
Accounting for the costs of purchasing an OSAGO and CASCO policy in 1C: Accounting 8
Name. Let's say we purchased a domain in the “ru” zone. So we’ll write: “Domain in the zone
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