What entries should be used to record the return of funds from the Social Insurance Fund? State institution: Return of accounts receivable from the past
Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise The mailing list is closed. When closed, subscribers were transferred to the Levitas mailing list:
In the current year 2021, NPOs are required to submit new reports approved by Rosstat Order No. 540
Classification of the enterprise's vehicle fleet and transportation costs Formation of a detailed plan of transportation costs by type of transportation
The period for receipt of money to the current account from another account, from a card or after depositing
If dividends are received by an individual, then income from them is subject to personal income tax, and for an organization
Organizations using the 15% tax rate are required to keep strict records of their transactions, in particular
Who is a tax resident and who is a non-resident? Statuses are determined by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (chapter
Current laws provide for several options for changing the organizational and legal form of a legal entity. Most relevant for commercial
The Tax Service recommends that enterprises and individual entrepreneurs exercise independent control over the volume of tax revenues to the budget.