Accounting statements include a number of indicators by which the company's performance can be determined.
Benefits and compensation Marina Melnikova Financial expert Current as of December 25, 2020 From 1
When receiving money for reporting, an employee of the enterprise undertakes to submit documents confirming the fact of spending the money,
In 2021, employers have a new obligation: to provide information about
Introductory information In civil legislation there is a rule according to which the use of foreign currency, as well as
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Hello, Vasily Zhdanov, in this article we will look at the calculation of liquidity indicators according to RAS. Every
When to prepare When declaring a liquidation procedure, an organization must compile a LP. IN
The current legislation, namely Federal Law No. 14 on LLC, allows you to change the list of participants in the company,
Questions discussed in the material: What is the procedure for returning insurance premiums How to return insurance premiums to individual entrepreneurs