1. Russian organizations, individual entrepreneurs, notaries engaged in private practice, lawyers who have established law offices, and
Who to write about changing details This message is used to inform partners/clients/customers/creditors, as well as interested
Importers and exporters are facing big challenges this year. Due to logistical limitations, participants
The basis of the legislative framework regarding insurance payments for 2017 is the following key regulatory and legal
Account 03 - what is it for? Account 03 is called “Profitable Investments in Material Assets”.
Payment of state duty Payment of state duty by a legal entity and individual entrepreneur must be taken into account in
In order to obtain reliable information about contributions to the authorized/share capital of the organization, the issuance of dividends and
Briefly about the invoice for payment This document contains the payment details of the recipient, according to which the payer
One of the ways to receive fixed assets into an organization is their construction (manufacturing). The organization may
Many enterprises in the course of doing business one way or another encounter foreign currency.