Recommendations for users of 1C:Enterprise programs If changes are made to the attachment to the purchase book, for example
The very concept of working time implies the period during which the employee fulfills his labor obligations in accordance with
How does the procedure for dismissing an employee take place and by what legal standards is it regulated? Reply to this
An invoice is a necessary document not only in accounting, but also in general
When starting a business, every entrepreneur hopes that everything will go well and big profits will no longer be possible.
Account 99 “Profits and losses” is intended to summarize information on the formation of the final financial result
The property deflator coefficient for taxation of real estate owned by individuals is applied until 2020.
Date of publication 10/12/2020 4223 views News Import accounting is often a complex and confusing procedure.
The Rosstat website in Russia is an official resource where this Federal State Statistics Service
Application of PBU 2/2008 in accounting Accounting Regulations “Accounting for construction contracts”