How to fill out the 6-NDFL calculation for the 4th quarter of 2021? Has the new payment form been approved?
Sick leave under the FSS pilot project in the regions participating in the experiment is paid according to a different scheme. Transition order
The calculation consists of: title page; section 1 “Generalized indicators”; section 2 “Dates and amounts
Salaries must be paid twice a month - in advance and in the main payment. But every
April 1, 2021 – this is the deadline set for tax agents to submit reports for
New deduction codes In 2-NDFL certificates submitted in 2021, section 3 is reflected
Employer reporting Olga Yakushina Tax expert-journalist Current as of September 19, 2019 For important holidays
Since conducting a special assessment of working conditions relates to preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries
Companies and individual entrepreneurs acting as tax agents for withholding and transferring personal income tax from their own income
On a quarterly basis, tax agents paying remuneration to individuals must report to the Federal Tax Service in Form 6-NDFL.