The deadline for submitting reports in Form 6-NDFL for the 2nd quarter is no later than August 1, 2021
How to fill out the 6-NDFL calculation for the 4th quarter of 2021? Has the new payment form been approved?
Pilot project registration deadlines. FSS pilot project - how to fill out sick leave
Sick leave under the FSS pilot project in the regions participating in the experiment is paid according to a different scheme. Transition order
Annual calculation of 6-NDFL for 2021: sample filling
The calculation consists of: title page; section 1 “Generalized indicators”; section 2 “Dates and amounts
If the salary is not paid, fill out 6-NDFL correctly
Salaries must be paid twice a month - in advance and in the main payment. But every
6-NDFL: check your reporting using control ratios
April 1, 2021 – this is the deadline set for tax agents to submit reports for
standard tax deductions in 2017
Codes and amounts of personal income tax deductions in 2021: table with explanation
New deduction codes In 2-NDFL certificates submitted in 2021, section 3 is reflected
Filling out form 6-NDFL: Gifts and financial assistance (dates and amounts)
Employer reporting Olga Yakushina Tax expert-journalist Current as of September 19, 2019 For important holidays
How to use insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for special assessments
Since conducting a special assessment of working conditions relates to preventive measures to reduce occupational injuries
Recalculation of 6 personal income taxes
Accounting and taxation Report on form 6-NDFL for non-payment of accrued wages
Companies and individual entrepreneurs acting as tax agents for withholding and transferring personal income tax from their own income
In form 6-NDFL, line 070 is equal to line 140 in 2021
On a quarterly basis, tax agents paying remuneration to individuals must report to the Federal Tax Service in Form 6-NDFL.
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