Procedure for registering cash withdrawal from the cash register - documents and transactions

Issuing (spending) money in cash for permitted purposes is an important aspect of maintaining an organization’s cash register.
The generally mandatory procedure for issuing (spending, paying out) cash is regulated by Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. The main provisions are contained in paragraph 6 of this regulatory document.

Compliance with these rules is mandatory for business entities carrying out cash transactions.

Failure to comply with established standards will result in fines.

What has changed - briefly in the table

The procedure for conducting cash transactions is regulated by Central Bank Directive No. 3210-U dated March 11, 2014. The latest amendments to it were approved by Central Bank directive No. 5587-U dated October 5, 2020 and come into force on November 30, 2021. These changes apply to the following categories:

  • legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, including those from the SME register;
  • employers who give employees money on account;
  • organizations with separate divisions.

To make comparisons easier, we have collected all the latest changes in a table. Let's look at them in more detail next.

ChangeWasIt became
Documents for issuing reports The employee’s application contains the amount, the period for which they were received, the signature of the manager and the date

An administrative document is drawn up for each cash disbursement

There are no requirements for the application

One document is enough for several cash disbursements and accountants

Deadline for submitting advance reportThree working days from the date of return to work or from the day following the expiration of the period for which the money was issuedInstalled by the manager or individual entrepreneur independently
Cash acceptanceNo solvency controlSolvency control is required. All valid money must be accepted
Cash withdrawalThere is no quality check of banknotes before issuanceThe cashier cannot issue banknotes with even one damage. They need to be handed over to the bank
Cash recipient verificationIdentity card verification is mandatory; a special procedure for verifying a power of attorney is provided.The cashier decides how to verify the identity of the recipient
Cash book in separate divisions (hereinafter referred to as OP)Cash books are required for all OPsYou don’t have to keep a cash book if after each shift the OP’s cash is transferred to the legal entity’s cash register
Depositing paymentsDeposit mark and transfer of money to the bank are requiredNo need to deposit
Cash transactions without a cashierUse of software and hardwareThe use of automatic devices that accept and dispense cash and also check for security features on banknotes

Settlements with individuals

But in the old rules there was clause 5. It talked about the absence of a limit on settlements between participants in cash payments and ordinary individuals.

The new rules say nothing about this. We can conclude that when making payments between a company (IP) and an individual, you also cannot violate the limit of 100,000 thousand rubles under one agreement.

But that's not true. Please note that the limit is for cash payment participants. These include legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. An ordinary individual does not qualify as a participant in cash payments. Settlements with individuals do not have an entrepreneurial orientation.

This means that if the party to the transaction is an individual, the limit on cash payments in the amount of 100,000 rubles does not apply to this transaction. Individual entrepreneurs' withdrawal of cash for personal purposes is also not limited.

A self-employed person without entrepreneur status is also not a participant in cash payments. When making payments with him, the limit on cash payments does not apply (letter from the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation for Moscow dated June 10, 2020 No. 20-21 / 093682@ ).

Documents for issuing money for reporting

The Central Bank has removed the requirements for an employee’s application to receive accountable funds. Previously, it had to contain the amount of cash, the period for which it was issued, the signature of the manager and the date. Now a simple statement is enough; there are no requirements for its content. Later, the Central Bank may establish the form of such an application.

The instructions also stipulate that it is possible to draw up one administrative document for several cash disbursements. There may also be more than one accountable person in the document. The main thing is to indicate the full names of all accountable persons, the amount of money and the terms for which they were issued. Previously, the Central Bank also allowed one order to be drawn up for several sub-reports, but now the rule has been formalized so that there are no disputes.

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1 : How is it necessary to document overexpenditure of accountable amounts if a smaller amount is signed by order of the manager?

Answer : Due to the fact that the order reflected a certain amount of funds, if funds are overspent, the accountable person must submit an application for reimbursement of this overspent amount.

Question No. 2 : Is it possible to issue money for reporting from the cash register to a person working under a GPC agreement?

Answer : A non-core employee can also receive accountable money based on the letter of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2014 No. 29-R-R-6/7859 on the same conditions as the main employee.

Deadline for submitting advance report

There is no longer a mandatory deadline for submitting an advance report and supporting documents to the accounting department. Previously, the employee had to report within three working days:

  • or from the day you start work,
  • or from the day following the expiration of the period for which the money was issued.

Now managers themselves decide when to report to employees. The new deadline must be written down in local documents or indicated in each order for the issuance of money for reporting.

Prepare expense reports and keep track of accountable amounts

An example of synthetic accounting of imprest amounts

Employee Avzalov A.S. 2000 rubles were issued from the cash register on the basis of the manager’s order. for the purchase of stationery: copier paper – 1 box, ballpoint pens – 50 pcs., organizers – 5 pcs.

In the advance report Avzalov A.S. attached the following documents (receipts) according to the distributions: copier paper – 5 packs of 220 rubles each, ballpoint pens – 50 pcs. RUB 4.40 each, organizers – 5 pcs. for 187 rub. The stationery has been transferred to the warehouse.

The advance report was approved and the accountant recorded the transactions with the following entries:

1.Issued on report71502000
2.Copier paper10711100
3.Ballpoint pens1071220
5.Overspending on advance payment issued7150255

Quality control of accepted cash

The cashier will now additionally have to check the solvency of cash according to the requirements of clause 1 of the Bank of Russia Instructions dated December 26, 2006 No. 1778-U. Money that does not contain signs of counterfeiting or damage is considered solvent, with the exception of the following:

  • banknotes - soiling, wear, tears, abrasions, small holes, punctures, inscriptions, stains, stamp impressions, missing corners or edges;
  • coins - minor mechanical damage.

If the money is damaged but still valid, the cashier must accept it.

How to reflect monetary documents in accounting policies

The answer to the question of exactly which assets will be considered monetary documents must be fixed in the institution’s accounting policies. The procedure for their accounting, storage and write-off is also prescribed there. All these procedures are regulated by several instructions and orders of the Russian Ministry of Finance, a full list of which you can see below.

The main documents that regulate the work of a budgetary institution with monetary documents:

  • Instructions for the application of the Unified Chart of Accounts for public authorities (state bodies), local governments, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state academies of sciences, state (municipal) institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n);
  • Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts for Budget Accounting (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 6, 2010 No. 162n);
  • Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of budgetary institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 16, 2010 No. 174n);
  • Instructions for the use of the Chart of Accounts for accounting of autonomous institutions (approved by order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated December 23, 2010 No. 183n);
  • Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n “On approval of forms of primary accounting documents and accounting registers used by public authorities (state bodies), local government bodies, management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions, and guidelines for their application."

We have collected in a table examples of wording that can be used in an organization’s accounting policies:

Chapter What to write in the accounting policy
Organization of accounting The list of positions of employees who have the right to receive monetary documents and funds on account for the purchase of goods (payment for work, services) is given in Appendix No.... to this Accounting Policy.

The issuance of funds and monetary documents for reporting is carried out in accordance with the relevant Regulation No.... to this Accounting Policy

Inventory procedure To confirm accounting data and annual financial statements, an inventory of property and financial liabilities is carried out:
  • ________________________________
  • ________________________________
  • cash, monetary documents and strict reporting forms - monthly on an arbitrary date.
Accounting for financial assets The following are taken into account as part of monetary documents (at the institution’s choice):
  • stamps;
  • stamped envelopes;
  • express payment cards for communication services;
  • paid coupons for gasoline and oils;
  • travel tickets for certain types of transport: air and railway tickets;
  • uniform travel tickets;
  • _______________________
  • _______________________

Monetary documents are accepted into the institution's fund office and are accounted for at actual cost.

For each type of monetary documents, it is necessary to develop separate local regulations (LNA) - regulatory authorities are always interested in them during regular and extraordinary inspections. Each LNA should indicate the positions of employees who have the right to receive the corresponding type of monetary document, as well as the mandatory conditions and rules for its use.

A correctly drafted local regulatory act should justify the advisability of using monetary documents in a budgetary institution. To do this, you need to carefully define the algorithm by which employees will confirm their expenses.

Rules for issuing cash from the cash register

The Central Bank took a much stricter approach to issuing damaged money. The instructions stated that the cashier should not issue cash that has at least one of the damages (paragraph 6-15, clause 2.9 of the Central Bank Regulations dated January 29, 2018 No. 630-P):

  • surface contamination that has reduced the brightness of the pattern by more than 8%;
  • extraneous inscriptions, drawings, stamps;
  • contrasting spots with a diameter of 5 mm;
  • edge tears over 7 mm long;
  • through holes and punctures with a diameter of 4 mm;
  • tears sealed with tape;
  • lost corners with an area of ​​32 mm²;
  • lost edges if the note has shrunk by 5mm or more;
  • a paint layer partially lost due to abrasion or discoloration.

If there is at least one of the above damages, the money must be handed over to the bank.

The cashier is obliged to check that he is giving money to the person indicated in the documents. Previously, the verification requirements were more serious: you had to request a passport, and there was a special procedure for working with a power of attorney. Now this is not necessary: ​​the cashier himself can decide how to check the recipient.

An example of accounting for imprest amounts

Let's consider the reflection of transactions in accounting using the data from the previous example in case of failure to submit a report on imputed amounts.

1.Issued against cash register71502000
2.The accountable amount is attributed to shortages when the report is not submitted94712000
3.The debt is assigned to the employee73942000
4.Salary accrued for June207018000
5.Personal income tax withheld70682340
6.Debt on accountable amount withheld70732000
7.Salary transferred to employee705113660

Exemption from the cash book for separate divisions

OPs now may not maintain a cash book if they do not store cash and transfer it to the legal entity’s cash desk after each shift.

Before the amendments, all OPs that accepted and issued cash were required to maintain a cash book. If there was no current account, the obligation also remained. For the absence of their books, tax officials fined companies 50 thousand rubles, and managers 5 thousand rubles.

Enter PKO and RKO, and the cash book will form itself. Then you can print it

Automatic cash transactions without cashiers

Before the amendments, cash transactions were allowed to be carried out using software and hardware. Now this provision has been specified: they can be carried out using automatic devices that operate without a cashier.

Such devices must meet the following parameters:

  • accept and issue cash;
  • recognize at least four security features on banknotes (paragraph 14–19 clause 1.1 of the Central Bank Regulation No. 630-P dated January 29, 2018).

Cash taken from the machine must be accepted according to the PKO, and the loading of the machine with money must be registered through the PKO.

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