Types of errors in SZV-M, how to decipher codes and correct errors

If in the provided electronic SZV-M There is errors, then the Pension Fund verification program will definitely identify them. All possible shortcomings that the policyholder may make when generating a pension report are listed in Table 7 of the Appendix to the Order of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated August 31, 2016 No. 432r (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 432r). In this case, the degree of their criticality is determined by the code: 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50. The status of the protocol that the policyholder will receive based on the results of the inspection depends on the error code.
Protocol statusError codes in SZV-MProtocol typeConsequences for the policyholder
Document accepted10, 20PositiveThere are no or minor errors. No need to re-submit reports
The document was partially accepted30, 40PositiveIt is necessary to eliminate errors made in the data on insured persons and resubmit reports on them
Document not accepted50NegativeErrors must be corrected and reports must be resubmitted.

Features of SZV-M adjustment

Any enterprise is obliged to make pension contributions to the Pension Fund. This rule also applies to activities.

Regardless of the employee’s form of work, payments must be made. Contributions to the Pension Fund are mandatory for all employees: employed, part-time or under contract. Since they receive official earnings, the employer must ensure timely payments to the extra-budgetary fund.

Data on employees is generated in the form of a report, which is sent to the fund. The document can be created electronically or on paper. The latter option can only be used by a company whose number of employees does not exceed 24 people. If the staff consists of 25 or more hired employees, then an electronic report is generated.

The form must be sent to the Pension Fund no later than the 15th of the month. This requirement was introduced in 2021. Previously, the need to submit a report arose before the 10th. The report is submitted on a monthly basis.


Submission of the SZV-M is accompanied by confirmation from the Pension Fund inspectors that the report has been accepted. In this case, a positive protocol is formed. If acceptance is refused, a negative protocol is generated. In the latter case, the policyholder will have to correct errors in the reporting form and resubmit it. To do this, he is given 5 working days from the date of receipt of the refusal to accept reports.

In addition to critical errors that lead to the formation of a negative protocol, there are errors with which the report will be partially accepted. In this case, you will need to send a supplementary form to the Pension Fund. There are also errors with which the report will be accepted in full and no additions will be required.


  • Federal Law No. 27-FZ dated 04/01/1996 (as amended on 04/01/2019) “On individual (personalized) accounting in the compulsory pension insurance system”
  • Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated 01.02.2016 No. 83p “On approval of the form “Information about insured persons””
  • Resolution of the Board of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation dated December 7, 2016 No. 1077p “On approval of the format of information for maintaining individual (personalized) accounting (form SZV-M)”

You can find more complete information on the topic in ConsultantPlus. Free trial access to the system for 2 days.

What to do with a specific type of error

There are several codes that contain a decoding of the error made. For each type of inaccuracy, the system assigns a certain score, which should be taken into account to correct specific errors. To make this information easy to understand, we have prepared a table for you.

CodeProtocolStatusWhat should be done
10 — 20PositiveThe document is acceptedRepeated submission of the report is not typical. This means that SZV-M will be received with errors. Errors are minor or non-existent.
20 — 30PositivePension Fund form acceptedIt is necessary to correct only the mistakes made and resubmit the report only for employees whose information has been corrected
30 — 40PositiveThe report is partially taken into accountIt is necessary to correct all incorrect data on employees and send only corrected information for verification
50PositiveRefusal to accept the formAny inaccuracies should be corrected and the report sent again.

If the encoding is 10 or 20, then such a report is accepted by the fund and does not require any clarification. These numbers may draw your attention to minor inaccuracies, taking into account which you will need to submit the form for the next month. The protocol is a kind of assessment of the work of the employee who generated the report. It identifies errors in the SZV-M form and dictates consequences for supplementary or secondary reports.

Errors 30 and 40 imply resending the report only for employees whose information contained errors. An error with code 50, identified during the check, means that your report has not been accepted in full, and you need to redo it again for all insured personnel.

Codes 10 - 20

Let's look at which sending errors are encrypted under the numbers 10 - 20:

  • The employee's full name is indicated in Latin letters;
  • an empty column for entering a TIN;
  • the letter “е” is printed;
  • use of open/close quotes, parentheses, hyphens, apostrophe and other special characters;
  • an error in the first name, last name or patronymic associated with the use of letters from two alphabets: Latin and Russian;
  • dot among the letters full name;
  • error in TIN;
  • no middle name.

The organization that compiles the report does not always have all the data on employees. The most common example is the lack of a TIN. His employee may simply forget to bring it; it is also possible that the number is not in the tax office database.

In this case, no information is entered in the report, that is, the columns remain empty. The system will send the code with an error, but this does not mean that you need to insert zeros into the columns. This will also be considered an error.

If the employer has data on the TIN of employees, then they must be maintained correctly. This follows from the fact that the Pension Fund contains all the data on the company’s employees. And if the fund is aware that the employee has a tax identification number, but you did not indicate it, then such an invoice will not be accepted.

Another common reason for cats 10 - 20 is a mistake in the surname in SZV-M. Use only letters of the Russian alphabet.

Error code 30 - 40

The list of inaccuracies, encrypted under the digital interval 30 - 40, is as follows:

  • large space between words;
  • a period placed after the surname;
  • the hyphen is surrounded by a space;
  • a hyphen placed after the full name;
  • the checkpoint is incorrectly marked;
  • SNILS number is not true;
  • the numbers indicating the line number are not in ascending order;
  • zeros instead of TIN;
  • missing first or last name;
  • space before the TIN or SNILS number.

To clarify the correctness of the entered SNILS, you can go to the website of the insurance fund. In the “Benefits” section you will enter 11 digits, and the system will produce a result that will tell you whether such SNILS is in the database.

You will not receive any information about the employee, knowing his SNILS number, from this request to the site. This is considered confidential information. In other words, you can only find out whether such a combination of numbers actually exists.

SZV-M error code 50

If the protocol is negative with number 50, then the form contains the following errors:

  • incorrect structure of the file itself;
  • electronic signature is not in the correct format;
  • The TIN of an individual entrepreneur or company contains numbers that do not correspond to reality;
  • in the adjusted report, instead of the mark “additional”, “output” is indicated;
  • incorrect numbers in the registration number assigned by the Pension Fund;
  • error in the period (the reporting period is indicated incorrectly (for the next month, for example).

The report is sent in the form of an XML document, which must include:

  • registration number of the fee payer;
  • code of the Pension Fund that accepts the form;
  • date of compilation (first put the year, then the month and day);
  • an identifier that allows you to determine the degree of uniqueness of the compiled electronic form.

How do you duplicate a reporting form with the “source” type?

When submitting information about insured persons with the “initial” form type, there should not be previously submitted information with the “outcome” type for the reporting period for which the information is being submitted. Code 50 is assigned if this condition is not met. When it may be broken:

  1. For example, when submitting the SZV-M for February 2021, the policyholder mistakenly indicated month 01 instead of month 02. The Pension Fund of Russia will have two reports in its database with the “original” type for the same month - January, and nothing for February. This error must be corrected by submitting the original form for February with the correct month. Moreover, this must be done before the end of the reporting campaign. Otherwise, the policyholder will be fined for failure to submit reports.
  2. In a situation where the employer submits additional (as a correction) or canceling information for an employee, but instead of the “ADOP” or “OTMN” types, he again puts down the “ISHD” form type. The error must be corrected by specifying the correct form type and resubmitting the report.
  3. In case of technical failure, as in September 2021. In this case, there is no need to rush to re-send the report - it is better to consult on this issue with the fund’s employees.

What is provided for those who made a mistake

Inaccuracies when sending a report are punishable by fines. If the Pension Fund does not accept your form, then expect penalties.

The fine amount is 500 rubles. It is charged for each employee for whom there is an inaccuracy. No matter how many errors there are in the report for one employee, the amount of the fine does not change. And if you made gross errors about 10 employees in one report, then you will pay 500 * 10 = 5000 rubles. Errors in the process of processing the report are summed up for each employee.

If the company has a small number of employees, then the fine will not be impressive. But for companies with several dozen people on their staff, this amount can be large. Therefore, carefully fill out all the fields to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Penalties for errors are assessed not only for the codes specified in the protocol, but also for late submission of the report. Try to approach the question of filling out the form in advance.

How to fix errors without penalties

To prevent the system from giving you a negative protocol, follow the recommendations:

  • Submit your report strictly before the 15th;
  • Correctly use the marks “iskhd”, “o;
  • To preview the generated report and eliminate errors during verification, download the free program owned by the Pension Fund of Russia - CheckPFR. The download link can be found on the PF website. The SZV-M error will be identified by you even before sending the report. Changes are periodically made to the program, so do not forget to update it on your computer in a timely manner.

What steps to take

If enough time has passed and there is still no protocol for taking SZV-M, then:

  1. First of all, contact your special operator, who acts as an intermediary in transferring reports to the Pension Fund.
  2. It is quite possible that he is aware of the situation and will be able to shed light on the reason for the delay. For example, he will say that there is simply a large influx of documents in your branch of the Pension Fund and specialists do not have time to send return protocols to everyone. This, by the way, is one of the most common reasons.

  3. The second option is to call the fund branch directly. It's even faster. And if the delay is again caused by a large influx of documents, then the staff will try to respond to the person who applied first.

If there is no protocol from the Pension Fund for SZV-M , this does not mean that you did not submit a report. And even more so, this does not constitute a violation. If everything is done correctly and on time, no one can blame you for being late in sending the report.

The most unpleasant reason why a protocol does not arrive for a long time is when the report is drawn up incorrectly. In this case, the fund creates a negative protocol, and this takes much more time. Moreover, once you receive it, there will be virtually no time left to correct errors.

For more information, see “SZV-M: negative protocol.”

Therefore, in any case, we advise you to always play it safe and call the Pension Fund branch. And if they say that the fund’s employees are preparing a negative protocol, you can act proactively: find the errors yourself and send a corrected version of the SZV-M. In this case, there is a chance to avoid fines.

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