Personal files of employees and storage periods for personal files of dismissed employees

Labor legislation does not require mandatory management of personal files of employees. However, in practice, employers often create them for the purpose of systematizing, summarizing and organizing information about an employee.

A personal file is convenient; all documents relating to the employee are collected in one folder. When dismissing an employee, a reasonable question arises: what to do with the personal file, should it be kept, and if so, for how long? There are no exact standards of conduct with the affairs of dismissed citizens, so organizations, as a rule, have difficulties.

How to properly store employee personal files

Given the laws on how to store the records of employees who are terminated, they should be stored in government agencies. Commercial organizations provide all archival information on their own, so if there is a need to confirm the length of service for a pension, all documents can be obtained from the archive.

A former employee has every right to demand the opportunity to obtain information contained in archival papers; no one can refuse him this.

What is a personal matter?

The personal file for any employee is presented in the form of a folder where the entire package of documents and information about the employee is collected. All positions held by the employee while working at the enterprise are indicated there. This set of documents is prepared individually for each employee. Taking into account Federal Law No. 79-FZ and Presidential Decree No. 609, all personal files for civil servants and other categories of workers can be processed at the request of the employer. As experience shows, every enterprise keeps records of personal files, as this helps to systematize the work of the personnel department and organizations.

How is an employee’s personal file prepared?

Let's consider how to register an employee's personal file. The personal file of an employee who has resigned must include a dossier and be stored in the HR department until the end of the year. Further, for three years after dismissal, all documents must undergo technical processing and be transferred to the archive for further storage. After transferring the folder to the archive, there are still some aspects that are worth doing:

  1. The case must be stitched or bound.
  2. Storage with buttons and paper clips is not allowed, so they must be removed first. The case is bound and packaged in a hard cover. This is done so that the papers are better preserved and are not subject to fraying.
  3. All personal documents must be enclosed in an envelope, which is then filed and numbered. All attachments and applications that are made are numbered one by one. This includes: military ID, work record, diploma, identity card and other documents that are important.
  4. At the end of the case, a blank sheet is filed and a certified sheet is drawn up; it is not included in the total number of sheets that are in the folder. Such sheets must be filled out in accordance with regulations; all the information they contain is very important, since the entire list of documents and the storage date are indicated there.

This is also important to know:
Payroll sheet - sample

Particular attention is paid to documents that are inside the folder. They must be arranged chronologically. That is, everything must go from the first document to the last in order, so it turns out that the earliest document will be the very first, for example, it could be an employee’s written permission to process his data, and the last document, accordingly, will be the dismissal order itself.

Sample design

According to order No. 609, which was issued by the president on May 30, 2005, every enterprise must collect data about employees. The following documents are required:

  1. Questionnaire, resume and characteristics, a sheet for the HR department is also included separately.
  2. The employee must present copies of the passport, educational documents, TIN, insurance certificate and documents indicating marital status. Documents that contain personal information about a person, for example, such as his marital status, may not be presented by the employee; this is done at his own discretion. Sometimes this information may somehow affect political or religious views, which is an infringement of rights, therefore these documents can only be accepted with the consent of the employee.
  3. Certification information.
  4. Contract or employment agreement.
  5. Employer orders related to transfer to another position or place of work, leave orders.

What documents should be included in personal files?

The composition of each personal file and the formation procedure for entrepreneurs are not fixed in the laws, but a clause must be present in the local act of the company. All documents that can be classified as personal files can be divided into several groups:

  1. Primary documentation that is drawn up when a person starts working. These documents include those that are submitted by an employee when he gets a job, for example, a resume, documents on education and qualifications, photocopies of a passport, SNILS, IIN, recommendations from former employers, if of course they are available, military registration documents, a certificate of no criminal record, medical examination, employment application, copy of the order, employment contract.
  2. The second group includes all the papers that appear during the work process. They indicate the employee’s professional achievements and career growth. Such papers usually include the following:
  • certificates that indicate advanced training;
  • driver's license;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce, birth of children;
  • job descriptions, if additional agreements were concluded, then they are included;
  • agreement on liability;
  • certification acts;
  • photocopies of orders that indicate an internal change in a person’s position, for example, when an employee is transferred to another job;
  • disciplinary sanctions and rewards;
  • application for leave.

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How to restore a work book if it is lost

The next group of documents is drawn up only when the employment relationship with the employer is terminated. Considering that the production business ceases to exist, it should be completed properly. The last documents in the folder should be:

  • resignation letter;
  • photocopy of the dismissal order;
  • documents on dismissal if an external transfer was made;
  • death certificate of the employee, if the employee died.

Composition of the employee's personal file

Personal files (PD), in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 79 of July 27, 2004, are required to be maintained by government agencies for all employees and officials. This obligation does not apply to other organizations (commercial and non-profit organizations). Therefore, all legal entities and individual entrepreneurs may not maintain them or conduct them at their own discretion.

Since generated personal files allow for the best systematization of an organization’s personnel data and give HR officers the opportunity to quickly find any necessary information, in practice they are maintained by almost all companies. It is more convenient to do this in accordance with existing recommendations.

Therefore, let's get to know them more carefully.

Concept of LD

The legislation states that the concept of “deed” means a special way of drawing up a document or a set of documents related to one issue or area of ​​activity. In accordance with sub. 95 clause 3.2.2 GOST R 7.0.8-2013, these are documents placed in a separate cover (folder).

There are no special regulations for maintaining personal records (there are only for state and municipal employees), however, if a company decides to maintain personal affairs, it will have to approve the corresponding regulations and regulate this process at the enterprise level.

It is in this internal regulatory act that one can define:

  • what papers will be kept in personal files (composition), and for what purpose;
  • order of conduct;
  • list of employees for whom LD will be issued;
  • procedure for access to information;
  • terms and storage conditions;
  • features of archiving or destruction after dismissal.

In addition, the company must appoint an employee who will be responsible for this process.

What documents are included in the LD

The employer usually has at his disposal both the originals of employee documents (forms, registration cards) and their copies. Therefore, both of them fall into the LD.

It should be remembered that a copy of the passport in the employee’s personal file, as well as all similar copies, must be properly certified in the prescribed manner (for state employees, copies of passports are mandatory in the LD; for other categories of employees, this issue is resolved at the company level). All documents that are part of the personal file can be divided into:

  • formed at the time a person gets a job;
  • arising in the course of work in the company;
  • documents on dismissal from a specific company.

The first group may include:

  • resume compiled for the vacancy by the applicant;
  • employee's personal file form (use a free form if desired);
  • application for a job;
  • reference from a previous place of work or recommendations (if any);
  • copies of documents with the personal data of an individual (passports, INN, SNILS, military ID cards (for those who have served and those who are still subject to conscription into the army), diplomas);
  • a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record (when applying for a job, the implementation of which is not allowed for persons with a criminal record or who have been subject to criminal prosecution);
  • certificate of completion of a medical examination (for employment in cases provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and a medical book;
  • employment contract (employer's original);
  • The order of acceptance to work.

The second group will contain personal documents for the employee’s children (necessary for paying benefits, assigning vacations and providing deductions for personal income tax), an agreement on financial responsibility, a copy of the job description, additional agreements to the employment contract (if concluded), orders for transfers, appointments , incentives or penalties. You can also include here information about undergoing periodic medical examinations, information about advanced training or training, as well as a sign of non-disclosure of trade secrets. Here, if necessary, you can store:

  • copies of applications and orders for granting leave;
  • explanatory notes,
  • office notes,
  • various acts and notifications.

The third final group includes the employee’s statement and the organization’s order for dismissal.

What is very important to pay attention to

There are several key points.

The first and main thing is to determine what documents will be in the personal file and for what purpose they are included there. A lot of personnel documents are generated. If you set out to formalize the entire life of a person during his work in an organization, then personal files can become multi-volume in terms of one employee. This complicates the work, and does nothing in general.

When dealing with personal matters, it is very important to remember that the processing of personal data must be limited to achieving specific, pre-defined and legitimate purposes. Processing of personal data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting this information is not permitted (clause 2 of Article 5 of Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006 (as amended on July 29, 2018) “On Personal Data”).

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Personal files and positions of employees

As a rule, personnel documentation is created for deputy managers at various levels. Also included in this category are key specialists, employees who are responsible financially and the personnel reserve.

It is important to take into account that it is necessary to create personal files for such employees, regardless of whether they work part-time or on a permanent basis, under a fixed-term contract or at their main job. Most often, no documentation is kept if a person occupies a position that does not require advanced training, for example, a cleaner or a janitor.

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What is the procedure for maintaining documents?

A personal file is a collection of all documents that are related to one employee and contains information about his work activity and length of service. All budgetary organizations maintain such documentation, but sometimes selective maintenance occurs, for example, personnel records, which apply to management personnel and persons who are financially responsible. Registration of personal files of dismissed persons implies the following points:

  1. The need to make records of all changes that occur to the employee;
  2. Attachment of all materials related to the service and their withdrawal;
  3. Issuance of materials and certification of copies;
  4. Maintaining an internal inventory;
  5. Periodic checking of the status of documentation;
  6. Closing and transferring to the archive for further storage.

It is important to remember that maintaining documents that are included in a personal file must be approved by a local act.

Rules for their storage

The entire period of the employee’s work, his file remains in the personnel department. Storage is carried out in specially designated places without access to third parties:

  • metal cabinets;
  • separate locked rooms;
  • safes.

Cases are subject to accounting, registration in a special journal and systematization by alphabet, number, and so on. A person acting on the basis of an order from the head of the organization is responsible for maintaining documentation.

Authorized employees have the right to:

  • process and analyze data;
  • involve officials to protect information;
  • study medical reports included in the case;
  • require notification of persons about changes in information;
  • declare the need to remove or edit incorrect information;
  • appeal in court the employer’s decision to distribute the employee’s personal information with compensation for damages.

Employees of the organization must give written consent to the processing of their personal data for the purpose of maintaining personnel records. Without this, regulatory authorities may decide that the procedure for working with personal data is being violated.

The employee has the right to request copies of documentation from his file, except for the papers indicated in paragraph 8 of Art. 14 Federal Law No. 152 dated July 27, 2006. By order of the employee, information is permitted to be provided to third parties. Law enforcement and other authorized bodies may also have access to them upon official request.

After dismissal, the procedure for checking and closing documentation and sending it for storage is launched. Completed cases are kept separate from ongoing ones , but their confidentiality and protection from theft and damage are still protected.

According to Federal Law No. 152 of July 27, 2006, the employer is obliged to keep personal information about the employee secret, which also applies to the personal information of dismissed citizens. Disclosure of information may result in administrative and criminal liability.


A list of employees who can deal with personal matters must be compiled by the organization’s leaders and the corresponding order is issued to them. Each employee has every right to get acquainted with the information that concerns him from the personnel officer.

Third parties cannot have any relation to such information, because this will already be considered a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The laws provide for liability under Art. 81 and art. 192 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 243 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, art. 13.11 and 13.14 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, Art. 137 and 140 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

How a personal file is formed after an employee has been fired

The personal file must be closed on the day the employee quits. After this, an authorized specialist carries out the following manipulations:

  1. Checks that all documents are available.
  2. Checks the chronology of documents in a folder.
  3. Verifies the numbering of sheets.

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A final entry must be made on the internal inventory. It contains the number of sheets that make up the personal file, the number of inventory sheets. The compiler must sign and make a final entry, after which a certification sheet is drawn up, which describes the personal file. All papers are stitched together; at the beginning there will be an inventory sheet, and at the end there will be a certification sheet. The cover page must contain the closing date, which must correspond to the dismissal order and the retention period for the folder.

It is important to note that if the dismissed employee did not pick up the original documents, then they should be kept until he applies for them. All documents are placed in envelopes, each placed separately, and filed in a folder. Envelopes are numbered, sealed and signed.

Retention Period for Personal Records for 2021

Today, its maintenance is not strictly mandatory, however, it has a certain distribution.

Typically, the nomenclature of cases is used in large enterprises that have a branched structure, many departments and, as a result, a large document flow; small firms use it depending on the need. All documents and important papers of the enterprise are laid out in separate folders, depending on the topic or structural unit of the enterprise. to which they belong. Each such folder is called “Case”.

As a rule, it has its own number and name.

The nomenclature of cases fixes them, distributing them in a certain way.

At the same time, the document reflects the shelf life of certain papers and the number of volumes in the file. The nomenclature of an organization’s files is a special list of files (forms, forms, personnel documentation) created in an institution in the course of its activities, compiled according to a certain structure, which indicates storage periods documentation. This issue is regulated in Law No. 125-FZ of October 22, 2004 and the basic rules for the work of state archives (02/06/2002). In simple terms, the nomenclature of files is a systematic inventory of documentation (reports, orders, timesheets, extracts, certificates and other papers ), which are formed in the activities of the organization. Note that the organizational and legal form, type of activity and structure of the institution directly affect the composition of the necessary documentation.

A current sample of the list of cases for 2021 with new storage periods is given at the very end of the article. It can be downloaded for free and without registration. N 1865-T3 ABOUT THE STORAGE TERM OF PERSONAL RELATIONS OF CITIZENS RECOGNIZED UNEMPLOYED IN THE ESTABLISHED PROCEDURE In connection with incoming requests from territorial bodies on employment issues by the Federal Service for Labor and Employment for clarification of the storage period for personal files of citizens recognized as unemployed in the established procedure , we inform you as follows. N 98 INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE PROCEDURE AND DURATION OF STORAGE OF DOCUMENTS COMPLETED IN

Access to documents

Each personal file includes personal data about a person, so there is a need to ensure their protection. The employer must limit the list of persons who have access to such documents and create a corresponding order for the organization. Persons who have received such access have no right to disclose data without the consent of the subject; this is clearly stated in federal law.

The manager, by order, appoints a person who will be considered responsible for this type of documentation and its storage. The list of those who have access to information may include:

  1. The head of the organization and his deputies.
  2. Head and employees of the HR department.
  3. Managers and employees of the legal service.
  4. Accounting employees who calculate salaries and make contributions to the tax office.
  5. Heads of structural divisions.

Third-party organizations may gain access to personal files, but only if a written request is made and the head of the organization gives his consent.

The storage period for personal files is 2021

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What does a personal file consist of? Which documents should I file and which ones should I not? How to properly organize maintenance and storage? These and other questions often haunt personnel officers.

Let's find out in the article. Regarding the list of personnel documentation, the current labor legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan contains a large number of them. At the same time, in relation to LLPs or any other forms of legal entities, no specific features are established in terms of personnel documentation, since personnel documentation is linked to the term “employer”, which, based on paragraph 39 of paragraph 1 of Art. 1 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan) can be not only a legal entity, but also an individual.

Contents: According to Art. 3 of the Federal Law of October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ “On Archiving in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 125-FZ), an archival document is a tangible medium with information recorded on it, which has details that allow it to be identified, and subject to storage due to the significance of the specified media and information for citizens, society and the state. Documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation are archival documents that have undergone examination of the value of documents, registered with the state and subject to permanent storage. When the name of an organization (structural unit) changes during the period covered by the case documents, or when the case is transferred to another organization (to another structural unit), the new name of this organization or the successor organization is added to the cover of the case, and the previous name of the organization (structural unit) is enclosed in parentheses.

After termination of an employment contract with an employee, his personal file is sent to the archive, where it will be stored for 75 years.

How are files stored in the HR department?

The HR department should only store documents of those employees who are working. They are placed in a special place to which third parties cannot have access, this eliminates the possibility of their loss or theft. As a rule, special safes that are locked with a key are used for storage. All documents are located in a vertical position under a serial number and in alphabetical order. The repository should also contain a list of all personal files.

A separate logbook is kept. As for the general form, it has not been approved, so each organization can develop it independently. According to all the rules, at the end of the working day the presence of papers in the safe must be checked. In case of loss, measures must be taken immediately to return them to their place.

Document storage period in 2021: table, new storage periods

» Let us analyze the storage periods for documents according to the nomenclature of cases using a practical example. A graduate of the Financial Academy, Maria went to work at Virazh LLC, which is engaged in the renovation and construction of offices. Since the former student had no experience in financial matters, the management decided to assign her to the office for the duration of the probationary period - this way they could quickly become familiar with the structure of the company and study the specifics of its activities.

This division consisted of 5 employees who dealt with various organizational issues, including responsibility for organizing the company’s document flow.

The department employee to whom Maria was assigned was developing a list of cases for the next year. IMPORTANT! The list of cases for the next year is drawn up in the last quarter of the current year, approved by the head and put into effect on January 1 (clause

3.4.6 Rules for the operation of company archives dated 02/06/2002). Maria was also involved in this work - she was tasked with setting storage periods for documents according to the nomenclature of cases opposite the names of case headings strictly according to the standard list. IMPORTANT! The storage periods for documents are reflected in standard and departmental lists.

The basis for determining the deadlines is the List of archival documents and their storage periods, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture dated August 25, 2010 No. 558. The list of cases of Virage LLC was formed based on the organizational structure of the company.

The following departments took part in the document flow process:

  1. personnel department;
  2. accounting and reporting department;
  3. organizational issues division (office);
  4. Department of Tax Accounting and Declaration;
  5. Department of Labor and Wages;
  6. Department of Economic Planning, Statistics and Finance;
  7. labor protection department;
  8. production and technical department (PTO);
  9. other divisions.

Before setting the shelf life opposite those indicated in the nomenclature

How long are folders with papers of dismissed employees kept?

When asked how long the personal files of dismissed employees are kept, the answer is simple. It is worth considering that these papers have a long shelf life, so those documents that were created in 2003 will be stored for 50 years, previously this period was 75 years. In order for everything to be correct, upon dismissal, all papers are reconciled, the inventory is closed and at the end a certification sheet is inserted, which is stitched onto all 4 protocols.

This is also important to know:
Payroll sheet - sample

The case is transferred to the archive after three years since it was closed. The personal files of dismissed employees should be stored separately from existing ones. Almost every organization has an archival storage facility where documents are moved. If there is no such room, then all papers can be placed on a separate shelf.

Two important changes

Two important changes
1. The changes introduced by Federal Law No. 43-FZ to the Federal Law No. 125-FZ “On Archival Affairs in the Russian Federation” (hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 125-FZ) concern Art. 22 “Terms of temporary storage of documents of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation before their transfer for permanent storage”: sub. “b” paragraph 4 of this article no longer regulates the storage periods for documents on personnel .

2. Federal Law No. 125-FZ is supplemented by Art. 22.1 “Terms of temporary storage of documents on personnel” , which defines a new storage period for documents on personnel - 50 years. It applies to documents created since 2003, with the exception of documents on the personnel of civil servants (not civil or municipal).

Now documents on personnel are conventionally divided into three categories.

  • created before 2003

Shelf life – 75 years; did not change ;

  • created since 2003

Shelf life - 50 years; changed ;

  • formed in connection with the passage by citizens of public service that is not the state civil service, starting from 2003.

Shelf life - 75 years; did not change .

Our information

Previously, the period for temporary storage of such documents in archives was 75 years from the date of closure of the case (creation of the document) for all organizations.

Documents on personnel created before 2003 and starting from 2003[1] are stored (parts 1, 2 of Article 22.1 of Federal Law No. 125-FZ):

  • in state bodies, local governments and organizations that act as sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives with archival documents;
  • in state and municipal archives, which receive documents on the personnel of liquidated state bodies, local governments, state, municipal and non-governmental organizations;
  • in other organizations (JSC, LLC, etc.).

Question on topic

Who is included in the category of public servants who are not civil servants?

This category includes citizens who are:

  • military service. They are assigned military ranks (for example, employee of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, FSB of Russia, FSO of Russia);
  • law enforcement service. Citizens in law enforcement service (internal affairs bodies, the Federal Service of the Russian Federation for Drug Control) are assigned special titles and class ranks (for example, police lieutenant, captain of internal service, major of justice);
  • federal public service. These are, for example, employees of the prosecutor’s office (prosecutors, deputies and assistant prosecutors), the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation (heads of investigative bodies, deputies and investigators), etc.

How is archival information used?

There are certain rules that apply to archival information. They are established by current legislation and office practice:

  1. Organizations and individuals must retain data about employees who were previously employees for certain periods, all of which are prescribed by law.
  2. Citizens can submit requests to obtain information from the archive.
  3. Copies and certificates related to social and pension issues regarding the receipt of benefits are issued free of charge.
  4. Today, archived data can be transmitted electronically.

Storage periods for documents in 2021 in the organization: personnel, accounting

Accounting and personnel documents must be stored in 2021 within the time limits established by law.

In our table you will find all the necessary information.

And if you want to find the shelf life of a document in one click, use the electronic service at the end of the article. When determining the retention periods for documents in 2021, the company must rely on current legislation:

  1. Federal laws of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ, dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ
  2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation
  3. List of standard management documents (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558).

Table Document and storage period Accounting

  1. accounting registers
  2. primary documents
  3. audit reports

5 years after the reporting year

  1. inventory cards for retired fixed assets

5 years

  1. accounting policy documents and other documents that relate to the organization and maintenance of accounting

5 years after the year in which the documents were last used to prepare accounting (financial) statements

  1. quarterly financial statements

5 years

  1. annual financial statements

throughout its activities

  1. audit report

5 years after the reporting year Tax accounting

  1. shopping book and extras sheets for it

4 years from last entry date

  1. sales book and additional
    sheets for it

4 years from last entry date

  1. documents confirming training expenses

4 years

  1. documents confirming the costs of an independent assessment of employee qualifications

4 years

  1. documents confirming the loss and the amount by which the tax base was reduced for each tax period

during the entire period of exercising the right to reduce the tax base by the amount of the loss

How to store documents

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Regulatory acts may not indicate the composition of documents in a personal file. There is a strictly regulated list for civil service employees. Each enterprise can freely use such a list in its work. Basically it all depends on the direction of activity. Each file must contain the following copies:

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  1. Passport showing all completed pages.
  2. Diploma and additional papers that are issued for advanced training or certification of an employee.
  3. SNILS and INN.
  4. Military ID for men.
  5. Employment history.

Additionally, the case may include the following documents:

  1. Certificates from a medical examination and no criminal record.
  2. Specialist application for employment.
  3. Autobiography and employment contract.
  4. Certification documentation.
  5. Photos.

If necessary, this list can be adjusted. It is important to remember that information about an employee’s personal life can only be included if he has given his consent.

Retention Period for Personal Records for 2021

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The storage period for employment contracts concluded before 2003 in a business company is at least 75 years from the date of conclusion, the storage period for employment contracts concluded after 2003 is at least 50 years from the date of conclusion. The storage period for personal files of employees is 75 years.

Let's define it with an example. Let’s say that the range of affairs of an educational organization, be it a secondary school, kindergarten or university, will differ significantly from a similar form of a bank or other company. This is the same type of documentation used in the implementation of standard management functions. As for specific documents drawn up for certain types of production or commercial activities, a list of them is given in separate departmental or industry instructions.

Contents: Since each type of educational institution activity requires documentary support, well-organized documentary support is especially important for the school.

The inventory depends on the structure, type of activity and legal form of organization of the institution for which it is compiled.

Maintaining such a list is regulated by Federal Law No. 125-FZ of October 22, 2004 (as amended).

dated 12/28/2017) “On archival affairs in the Russian Federation”, letter of the Ministry of Education and Science “Recommendations for reducing and eliminating excessive reporting of teachers” dated 05/16/2016 No. NT-664/08 and the rules of work of state archives. As of 2021, compiling and updating the list of cases is mandatory for all educational institutions. As for non-profit organizations, for them the List of Standard Management Documents established the same storage period for documentation - 5 years.

The nomenclature of cases is a systematized list of case titles created in an organization, indicating their storage periods. Let's look at the definition in detail.

Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated August 25, 2010 N 558 establishes specific periods during which documents must be kept in the archive. According to Art.

Accounting and data recording

The accounting procedure must be carried out in accordance with the regulatory act in the labor sphere. Naturally, all changes must be registered in the personnel department and in a certain order. To make it convenient to keep such records, create a special journal. At the time of registration, the following data can be entered: registration number, full name of the employee, date of registration, note of deregistration.

The moment of registration is the date of recording in the registration book. In office work, it is possible to make changes to folders with personal files. Such changes must be recorded at the time of marriage, change of place of residence and upon transfer to another place of work.

In order for changes to be made, the employee must contact the personnel department himself, after which the head of the archive gives the command to enter the data. Data entry should follow the following algorithm:

  1. The employee must write a statement requesting changes to the documentation. Data can be entered under certain circumstances and their actual confirmation.
  2. Next, an order is issued that innovations must be included in the accounting documentation.
  3. The order is recorded in the journal.
  4. All information is recorded directly.

This is also important to know:
How to restore a work book if it is lost

Thus, we can conclude that the registration of documents, their storage and disposal of personal data are regulated by law.

Nomenclature of files: storage periods for documents

Abramson Sofia Author PPT.RU January 5, 2021 The nomenclature of cases is a document with the help of which organizations systematize all the cases accumulated in the process of work. When drawing up this document, it is necessary to be guided by various regulations.

In this material, we will consider what the nomenclature of cases includes, storage periods for documents and articles for 2021.

ConsultantPlus TRY FOR FREE The definition of the concept of “case list” is contained in paragraph 3.4.1 of the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Organizational Archives”.

According to it, this is a systematized list of the names of cases opened in the organization, indicating the period of their storage. The rules for the content of documentation are formulated in three main regulations:

  • .
  • approving the Rules for organizing the storage, acquisition, recording and use of documents (including a detailed table with a list of to-dos and maintenance deadlines).
  • .

The nomenclature of cases (ND) must be approved at the initial stage of the enterprise’s operation by the manager after checking the EPC. The abbreviation EPK in the nomenclature of cases is (decoding - expert verification commission) the archive commission with which the generated document is agreed upon.

When the ND is approved, an employee responsible for the formation and maintenance of files is appointed by order of the manager. All his functional responsibilities are specified in the job description.

Below is the list of cases in the preschool educational institution for 2021 with new storage periods.

The cover of the case should include the following information:

  1. title;
  2. name of the organization and structural unit;
  3. case number in accordance with the approved rules;
  4. shelf life.

In this case, only the originals of executed and executed documents that were published in the same calendar year are sewn into the folder.

The documentation generated by the organization in the course of its activities is compiled into files in accordance with the approved nomenclature of files.

Electronic papers

Today, many companies have implemented HR automation in their work. All employee data is stored electronically on computers. Paper documents are also not excluded, but this is more suitable as reinsurance. I must say that this type of documentation is very convenient. The search is also performed automatically, which reduces the time spent on searching. It is important to remember that you can maintain documentation electronically, but this does not apply to work books. There are also documents where the employee must put his personal signature, then in addition to the electronic form, the paper version must also be saved.

Additional questions

Can the shelf life of employees be reduced?

The storage period for the personal files of dismissed employees is 50 years. In this case, all changes must be taken into account and entered into folders. There is a special certification sheet, which is located at the end and an inventory sheet at the beginning. The title page indicates the closing date of the case and the period of its storage.

If the employee left original documents, then each such document is placed in a separate envelope and also attached to the file. Each envelope has its own numbering, which is also very important for proper paperwork.

What to do with the files of employees who have been fired

How is the personal files of dismissed employees properly archived? If a person quits, then his file is retrieved and filed. A certification sheet is drawn up, which contains all the information about the number of sheets and numbering. Data on damaged documents can be entered into this sheet if new ones were attached instead. The certification sheet is glued to the inside of the cover, and the HR employee must sign it. On the last day of his work, the employee has the right to ask for copies of all necessary papers.

Regulatory framework

The storage period for employees’ personal files is determined in accordance with the List of standard management archival documents generated in the course of the activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods, hereinafter referred to as List No. 558. The regulations were approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 No. 558.

Experts from Sistema Personnel will answer all questions regarding the formation, maintenance and storage of personal files of employees. Find out what documents are used to form a personal file and how to avoid receiving a large fine.


When dismissing an employee, there are certain rules that must be followed:

  1. The case must be closed on the day the employment relationship was terminated.
  2. The employee's file must be transferred to the archive three years after its completion.
  3. The personnel officer is responsible for storage.

Documents of dismissed employees (all folders and papers) must be stored in a separate room that is inaccessible to third parties. All papers are placed in a safe to prevent loss or theft. A former employee has the right to send a request to the company to provide him with all documents. If the organization has already gotten rid of them by that time, then the manager will be punished under Art. 13.20 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

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