Correct numbering of orders in personnel records management

Author: Ivan Ivanov

In every company, regardless of its size, activity, income and other indicators, official documents are drawn up with the signature of the head and the seal of the organization.

When implementing document flow, one of the important actions is document numbering. It is not carried out in all cases.

Numbering of orders

Documentation is subject to numbering for ordering. A legal entity has the right to independently establish its own document flow system, as well as its numbering order.


The effectiveness of the functionality of an enterprise of any size is determined, among other things, by the state of its office work. It is impossible to work where there is no order. In order to introduce the numbering of orders, their indexing and to implement a systematic policy of consistent paperwork, there is an order on the numbering of orders. Employees responsible for personnel records management in the company carry out:

  • filling out work books;
  • formation of personal files, as well as job descriptions;
  • drawing up orders for personnel;
  • control over the formation of staffing and compliance with the vacation schedule;
  • storage of documentation, if necessary - delivery of it to archives;
  • if necessary, make changes to existing papers.


Numbering orders helps streamline the process of registration and accounting of documentation in personnel records. The numbering method is determined by the company independently.

You will find many more useful articles on personnel records management in the “Personnel Documents and Samples” section of our website.
You can find more complete information on the topic in ConsultantPlus. Free trial access to the system for 2 days.

Types of orders

Numbering of documents of this type is necessary for quick orientation in the company's papers. Inspection organizations are usually interested in the state of affairs with the numbering of orders, their presence in their places and other fundamentally important aspects of office work.

Orders are divided into different types. In particular:

  • By personnel. For long-term - until 2003 - 75 years, for short-term - 5 years. Short-term orders include orders on reprimands, vacations, business trips, etc. And the long-term group of orders includes papers on hiring, dismissal, change of name and other personal data.
  • By main activity. All other orders that do not fit into the personnel orders can be placed in this group.

Regulatory regulation

Each organization issues and signs various documents in the course of its activities. The law does not provide for a general document flow system within the enterprise, as well as a numbering procedure.

Sample order

Only in certain government bodies is such activity regulated by orders of higher departments in relation to specific services. These include: Federal Tax Service, Federal Treasury, Federal Service for Labor and Employment and other government agencies.

Non-state enterprises independently develop rules for document management within their enterprise, which are fixed by order. But these rules should not contradict the Federal Law “On Archiving” dated October 22, 2004 No. 125-FZ, as well as the Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation “On the adoption and implementation of the State Standard of the Russian Federation” dated August 3, 2003 No. 65-FZ and the Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation “ On approval of the List of standard management archival documents generated in the process of activities of state bodies, local governments and organizations, indicating storage periods" dated 08/25/2010 No. 558.

Thus, the procedure for document management at the enterprise is established by the organization itself and is fixed in official documents. The procedure for assigning a registration number is selected based on the size of the organization and the number of its employees, as well as from the document flow of the enterprise as a whole.

This procedure is necessary both for the convenience of using the documentation of the organization itself, and for monitoring by third-party services.


The order on the numbering of orders is intended not only to document that the organization is starting to number written orders of the manager or persons with appropriate authority. The document is intended to fix the system of letter indexes. Each of the indexes has its own decoding, for example:

  • “p” - the employee is hired;
  • “y” - dismissal occurs;
  • “ls” - orders for personnel;
  • “k” - business trips, and separately “vk” - business trips within the organization and “zk” - foreign business trips;
  • “from” - the employee goes on vacation.

Indices are adopted by each organization separately, depending on its specifics and size. Small companies may limit themselves to two or three indices. Large companies are moving to a new “level” of numbering, since it is more convenient to conduct office work.

In short, even if the organization has already adopted rules for registering orders, a separate order dedicated to the numbering of orders will not be superfluous.

Numbering organization models

Let's look at the numbering schemes from the simplest to the most complex:

  • Simple option. Suitable for small companies with limited document flow. The paper is assigned a numerical code. If required, you can add a letter designation to it. Numbering starts from number 1. The calculation will continue until the end of the year. From the first day of the new year, numbering starts again from one. The number will indicate the order in which the paper arrives, and the letter will indicate the content of the order and its type. As a rule, there is no separator between these two characters.
  • Complicated option. Implies continuous numbering. Documents are divided into different groups. The letter will indicate the group to which the paper belongs.
  • Difficult option. Relevant for large enterprises with extensive document flow. The designations in this case may indicate a group of orders and their storage periods. The code may indicate the department to which the document belongs. To create a cipher you need to use several letters.

A simple designation involves one letter and one number, a complicated one - a whole cipher.

Order log

The procedure for assigning designations to orders is not specified in legislative acts. Therefore, journals should be kept to record documentation. Registration of orders involves copying details from paper and recording them in a special form. The order numbers must be written in the journal. The number of magazines may vary. This is either one copy for all forms of orders, or several books for separate groups of orders. It is the latter option that is recommended. For example, one journal contains orders for the main area of ​​activity, while another contains orders for personnel.

IMPORTANT! Registration of the order gives the latter legal force.

NOTICE! The law does not regulate the forms of log books. Therefore, they can be approved by company employees.

Elements of the order on the numbering of orders

The paper is drawn up in free form, but the attached sample contains:

  • Company name and details. Ideally, the order is printed on the organization’s letterhead.
  • Name and number of the order. By default, this order is signed with the first number, since papers before it are not numbered.
  • Place of signing.
  • Date of preparation.

All this is necessary information for all documents of this type. After the introductory part comes the main part of the order on the numbering of orders. It contains data about:

  • The period from which orders are numbered. This may simply be the year the numbering began.
  • Listing of accepted letter indices. The list would be quite appropriate.

  • The one who is entrusted with control over the execution of the signed order. This could be the manager himself, his deputy or an individual employee. The responsible person will be responsible for compliance with the accepted numbering of orders.

The order is completed by the signatures of the head of the organization and the employee responsible for implementing the order.

The procedure for registering orders and its necessity

The process of registering orders, as well as numbering, allows you to systematize documents in a certain order. The registration log must be kept separately for personnel and for the activities of the organization as a whole, since they have different shelf life, as well as numbering.

The personnel journal consists of the following subsections:

  • order number (with index);
  • date of its preparation;
  • FULL NAME. the employee for whom it was created;
  • the structural unit where he works;
  • job title;
  • Personnel Number;
  • number and date of the employment contract;
  • the essence of the order is brief;
  • a receipt for familiarizing yourself with the order or receiving a copy of it

The journal for accounting of main activities includes the date of compilation, as well as the responsible persons with signature, that is, it is shorter and more concise.

Important! If there is a need to make changes to the order, you will have to issue a new one with additions and changes and indicating the reasons; it is registered according to generally established rules in the organization.

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It happens that for orders on core activities, the company’s personnel department leaves only a digital code. This numbering system is also one of the acceptable options. Letter indexing in orders will immediately follow the number through a vertical bar or hyphen. Such procedures are accepted in the preparation of official documentation.

The procedure for maintaining orders in a company must be prescribed in the adopted regulations on personnel records management. Otherwise, the decisions made will be legally incorrect.

What is it: concept and essence

Numbering represents the assignment of a serial number to a document.

The number is assigned on the day of signing outgoing correspondence and on the day of receiving incoming correspondence.

Attribution is a sign that it has legal force. The process of numbering means its registration in the general document flow system of the enterprise. It is no longer possible to remove or get rid of such a document.

Numbering serves the main purposes:

  • systematization of documents at the enterprise;
  • convenient search;
  • implementation of control actions over signed documentation.


The frequency of issuing such an order is once a year. Each subsequent business year is a reason for a new signing. Thus, orders from different years have less chance of ending up in one folder. Transferring papers to the archive becomes a more streamlined process. Therefore, most heads of organizations prefer to sign an order on the numbering of orders at the beginning of the new year, in January. The only exceptions will be organizations in the sphere of education and culture. Their year begins on September 1, and it is advisable to count written orders from this date.

Rules of conduct

The registration number of the order consists of its serial number and index. The indexation of the order is determined by the individual nomenclature of cases and the rules for registering orders at the enterprise. Despite the fact that each organization prescribes its own numbering order for administrative documents, there is a certain number of general rules that firms try to adhere to. Namely:

In companies with a small document flow, there is no need to separate orders into numerous types. But they cannot be combined due to different storage periods for documents. In this case, a letter index is added to the order number through a hyphen or slash:

  • “personnel” - personnel (Orders for personnel with a shelf life of 75 years);
  • “k” - frames (Orders for short-term storage periods).

In organizations with a large staff of employees and administrative documents, a whole system of indexes has been developed for each type of order:

  • “p” - hiring;
  • “u” - dismissal;
  • “pr” - hiring workers;
  • “k” - business trips;
  • “vk” - internal business trips;
  • “zk” - business trips abroad;
  • “department” - leave without pay, for pregnancy and childbirth, for child care;
  • “otk” - regular vacations, study vacations;

There can be many options for numbering and index designations. Their diversity depends not only on the size of the organization, but also on the specifics of the activities of a particular company.

Possible mistakes

Most often, factual errors are made in orders: the location and local acts of the company have changed, a reference to the adjusted laws is required, etc. Simply reprinting the order will be incorrect in such cases.

In order to legally formalize amendments that arise over time, it is necessary to create a separate appendix to the order on the numbering of orders. It indicates the goals, reasons, and specific places of adjustment in the paper. The law does not limit the number of such applications. However, if there is a large volume of documentation, it is worth considering the issue of signing a new order, making all the necessary amendments.

Features of number assignment

The numbering is determined by the size of the enterprise. In small organizations, you can use a simple calculation procedure: numerical and letter designation through a separating sign. The decoding of the designation will be as follows:

  • Numbers. Assigned in ordinal form. That is, the number is assigned to the document in the order it was last received. The new calculation is carried out from the beginning of the calendar year.
  • Letters. Is a prefix to a number. Needed to identify the form of the order, to indicate its content and group.
  • Dividing sign. Serves to separate letter and number designations. The components of the index can be a dash, a dot, or a fraction.

The designation may be presented without a separating character. That is, numbers and letters are written in a continuous manner. There may be a space between characters. It is also possible not to put it down. However, it makes sense to include a separator sign, as this will make the index easier to decipher.

If the enterprise is large, numbering becomes more complicated. It is recommended to create your own notation system. All its nuances are recorded in a local act. This act must be familiarized to all employees who are involved in the preparation of personnel documentation. Otherwise, confusion is likely.

The system developed by company employees must be logical and understandable. Eg:

  • Orders to impose penalties are designated by the letter “DV”.
  • Dismissal orders are indicated by the symbol “U”.

The legislation does not provide guidance regarding the assignment of designations. Therefore, letter and number combinations can be completely different.

Making changes to an order

If it becomes known that certain provisions of the order are inaccurate, unenforceable or irrelevant, it becomes necessary to make appropriate changes to the document.

Making corrections directly to the order is unacceptable. In order to correct an error, supplement a document, or invalidate a certain clause, another order is issued, which indicates:

  • details of the order being changed;
  • the essence and reasons for the changes;
  • actions that need to be taken in connection with changing the order;
  • persons responsible for implementing the new order.

The changing document is numbered and registered in accordance with the established procedure.

The order on the numbering of orders is an important document in the organization’s office work. The adoption of the numbering system for the relevant documentation depends on its signing.

How are vacation orders numbered?

Office work in HR department

Do I understand correctly that the vacation schedule is mandatory for the employee and the employer only if the organization has a vacation? Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for granting vacations according to the priority established in the organization. Does this mean that if the organization does not have a procedure for going on vacation, then the vacation schedule is not required?

Criteria concerning economic and subcontractors. Evidence of technical capabilities under Art.

51 of the Law on: License to operate in the field, valid throughout the country, in accordance with the Private Law or a corresponding document valid for the duration of the contract - a notarized copy.

Declaration of absence of circumstances in accordance with Art. 47, paragraph. 1, paragraph. 2 and paragraph 5 of the Law on Public Procurement. T.Yu. Monyushko, HR Manager According to Art. 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, annual paid leave can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the priority established in the given organization.

This priority is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinions of employees in accordance with Art.

123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Certificate for insured persons and an indication of all proposals existing on the date of submission, issued in the country where the participant was created for the Republic of Bulgaria - the corresponding territorial directorate of the National Revenue Agency. A valid authorization from the Communications Regulatory Commission for the use of individually assigned limited resource radio frequency spectrum for a mobile radio service with territorial coverage - for the territory of the country - a copy certified by the participant. The approved vacation schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee. A different procedure for determining the priority of granting annual paid vacations is provided for employees.

For example, for first-year employees, the right to use vacation arises after 6 months of continuous work in this organization.

Orders for personnel - what are these orders (types)?

> > January 28, 2021 Orders on personnel - what are these orders?

You will learn about this from our material, as well as in addition to the answer to the question “Orders for personnel - what are these orders?” get acquainted with the types of this category of documents, their numbering and registration procedure. There are many types of orders for personnel.

Let us list their enlarged groups:

  1. Incentive: about bonuses and other rewards.
  2. Of a technical nature: canceling - if necessary, cancel a previously issued order or its individual paragraphs, amending - introducing amendments and adjustments to existing orders.
  3. Disciplinary: about punishment or reward.
  4. Salary: on the establishment of salaries, allowances and additional payments.
  5. Routine: about sending on a business trip, various vacations.
  6. Organizational: on hiring, dismissal, relocation of employees, etc.

All of these groups of orders have a common feature - the concept of “personnel”. This is the entirety of the company's employees.

As a result of the issuance of any order regarding personnel, any member of the workforce or all employees of the company experience one or another result.

Orders for personnel are designed to solve a whole range of problems:

  1. other tasks.
  2. regulation of labor relations “employee - employer”;
  3. resolving issues of compliance with guarantees in relation to members of the labor collective;
  4. formation of an optimal structure and number of personnel;
  5. operational influence on resolving issues of current economic activity through the optimal deployment of personnel;
  6. strengthening labor discipline in the team;

You can develop the order form yourself, providing it with all the necessary details:

  1. base
  2. date;
  3. content;
  4. Company name;
  5. order number;

How to correctly follow the numbering when preparing documents for vacation?

The numbering order of orders is not established by law.

This is due to the fact that the personnel service processes only part of the company’s overall set of orders—those related to personnel. They must be distinguished from 2 other groups of orders issued by the company (for core activities and administrative and economic nature).

The employer independently chooses the numbering method based on ease of use. Record the date of receipt of sick leave from the employee (in a separate act, a log of incoming correspondence, or in a log of temporary disability certificates). In this situation, you can agree with the employee to postpone the vacation to another time due to the fact that she has the right to maternity leave.

To do this, the employee must submit an application to postpone the vacation, and the employer must issue an order (in any form) and make changes to the vacation schedule.

The numbering continues: if the last leave order was order No. 14/Oot 09/02/13, then there will be an order to transfer leave No. 15/O and an order to grant maternity leave No. 16/O. If the employee has already been paid vacation pay, this amount can be offset against maternity benefits. It will be useful for you to learn about the material at the link.

It should be taken into account that if an employee in the period from August 19, 2013.

until 08/25/2013 she worked and received a salary; for this period she cannot be granted maternity leave and paid benefits, since continuation of work during maternity leave is not provided for by law. Explain to the employee that she cannot receive salary and maternity benefits at the same time.

Details in the System materials: How to register documents received by the personnel service? The concept of registration Registration means that a created, sent or received document and data about it.* The rules for registration and indexing of documents are described in detail in the State Documentary Educational Institution approved by . Necessity for registration It is necessary to register documents in order to:

  1. ensure accounting of documents and control of their execution;
  2. ensure the safety of documents.
  3. facilitate the search for documents, create organizational search systems;

In addition, many types of documents created in an organization acquire legal force only after registration.

We seal documents

Since the current legislation does not contain rules requiring the maintenance of a log of travel orders, there are no rules regulating its registration and storage.

However, these requirements can be enshrined in the employer’s internal documents by analogy established for the preparation of typical documents.

Thus, the law requires mandatory sealing of the accounting book and the movement of work books with a seal or wax seal (clause 41 of the rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225).

In this case, the seals to be installed must comply with GOST 31282-2004.

Accordingly, the employer, at his discretion, can establish a mandatory requirement for the business trip log book to be sealed, since it, like the work record book, is a personnel document.

Storage period for vacation orders

A selection of the most important documents upon request (regulatory acts, forms, articles, expert consultations and much more). Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system: Information about work in this organization is numbered and dated. The dates of the records are the dates of hiring, transfer to another job, dismissal specified in orders (instructions) for personnel.

The numbers and dates of orders are entered in the 4th column of the work book. The numbering order of orders for personnel is not regulated by regulatory rules.

Personnel orders are numbered separately from orders for main activities and, as a rule, within each calendar year. In orders for personnel, to differentiate them in the office management system, it is recommended to use additional letter designations “LS”, “L/S”, “N K”, “N K”, “N K/2”, “N -P” or others , depending on the order established in the organization. Uniform rules for numbering orders must be applied in all structural divisions of the organization in accordance with the order (instruction) of the head.

In organizations with a large number of orders for personnel on various personnel management issues, it is possible to use additional letter designations for orders for hiring, transfer to another job, dismissal, secondment of an employee, granting leave, etc. Orders for personnel reflected in the work book (reception, transfer, dismissal) have a standard shelf life of 75 years and must be distinguished from orders for vacation, business trip, duty with a shelf life of 5 years.

Open the document in your ConsultantPlus system: Note that according to the results of inspections of the Ministry of Culture (this body checks compliance with archival legislation), one of the most common mistakes is incorrect filing of documents in files.

Thus, it is considered an error to file orders for personnel together with orders for the main activity (for example, orders for maternity leave and orders for parental leave).

How to number vacation orders

— — Numbering of personnel orders allows you to organize them both chronologically and thematically.

How to correctly number personnel orders for the hiring and dismissal of employees? You can find out the answer to this question from the following article.

The need for numbering of issued orders Not a single company can manage its activities without personnel records management. It represents the actions of HR department employees to: • Formation of personal files of company employees; • Making entries in their work books; • Development of job descriptions; • Creation of orders for the company's staff (employment, dismissal, transfer); • Development of organizational papers.

Particular attention in personnel matters is given to the numbering of orders for admission and dismissal.

This is explained by the fact that personnel officers only deal with their registration. It is also worth noting here that the List contains the main, but not all types of orders for personnel.

So, for example, these types of orders should also include orders: on engagement to work on a day off; on granting an additional day off for working on a day off (time off); about involvement in overtime work. Add to favoritesSend by email Numbering orders in personnel records management is an important issue for any company, regardless of its size and structure.

We will tell you how to organize this process correctly in our article.

Why is order numbering used in personnel records management What does it mean to assign a number to an order How to assign a number to an order Results What is order numbering used in personnel records management No company can do without personnel records management.

It means a set of actions by HR employees or other specialists:

  1. preparation of orders for personnel (dismissal, hiring, transfer of employees, etc.)
  2. on registration of personal files of employees;
  3. formation of job descriptions;
  4. making entries in work books;
  1. Creation of orders for personnel;
  2. Competently making changes to documents;
  3. Drawing up and transformation of job descriptions;
  4. Registration of personal files;
  5. Storage and timely submission of documents to the archive;
  6. Making entries in work books;
  7. Preparation of vacation schedules and staffing;
  1. 4 Order log
  2. 3 Every year new or not
  3. 2 Rules of conduct
  4. 1 Types of orders and the need for their registration
  5. 5 What to do if there is an error
  6. 6 Sample order on numbering of orders

Types of orders and the need for their registration Employment order form Particular attention in the HR document management industry is paid to the creation of orders. Administrative documents are divided into 2 groups: By personnel.

Since there will be few personnel orders in such a company, they can all be assigned a single letter code, for example “K”.

In this case, any personnel order will have approximately the following number No. 1/K. At the same time, if the company is large, with a significant staff of employees, it is advisable to provide separate indices for each category of the personnel order. Thus, separate numbering of orders for hiring, dismissal, granting leave, and so on can be maintained.

In this case, for each category of documents, it is necessary to provide its own letter index, which, as a general rule, is indicated through a slash.

  1. Mark about the performer;
  2. Order approval visas (if necessary)
  3. Name and date of the document;
  4. Place of drawing up the order;
  5. Company name;
  6. Registration number;
  7. Signatures of responsible persons;
  8. Document text;

Office work in the personnel service (vacation, orders, photocopies)

You are here Author: Andreeva Valentina Ivanovna Professor of the Department of Labor Law of the Russian Academy of JusticeSource:

  1. Documentation of HR service activities
  2. Vacation schedule in the organization

Do I understand correctly that the vacation schedule is mandatory for the employee and the employer only if the organization has an established procedure for going on vacation?

Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the procedure for granting vacations according to the priority established in the organization. Does this mean that if the organization does not have a procedure for going on vacation, then a vacation schedule is not required? T.Yu. Monyushko, HR Manager According to Art.

122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, annual paid leave can be granted at any time of the working year in accordance with the priority established in the given organization. This priority is determined annually in accordance with the vacation schedule approved by the employer, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of employees in accordance with Art.

123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The approved vacation schedule is mandatory for both the employer and the employee. The vacation schedule cannot be considered a document developed at the discretion of the organization.

It is a mandatory local regulatory act, approved annually no later than 2 weeks before the start of the new calendar year. A different procedure for determining the priority of granting annual paid leave is provided for certain categories of employees.

For example, for first-year employees, the right to use vacation arises after 6 months of continuous work in this organization.

The vacation period of such employees is not reflected in the vacation schedule or is included in addition to the schedule as new employees are hired. What are the rules for agreeing on a vacation schedule?

O. Shikov, Voronezh The Instructions for the use and filling out of forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment, attached to the Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated 04/06/01 No. 26, states,

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