The article provides information on paying fees for land ownership: characteristics. When issuing a receipt
Any business involves certain types of costs. Among them, a significant place is occupied by the so-called commercial
Note! The UTII tax regime has been abolished since 2021. UTII payers need to choose another
Almost all economic entities are required to maintain financial statements. Someone is allowed to do this in a simplified way
Form P-5(m) 2021 statistical reporting is included in the list of those that have changed since 2021.
Property transferred free of charge is considered to be property that the recipient is not obliged to pay for or return (clause
Carrying out official assignments outside the permanent place of work - a business trip - can last and
Here’s what an auditor friend told me: To account for the movement of funds invested by an organization in banking and
Accounting statements: forms 1 and 2 Accounting statements are prepared and presented in accordance with the forms approved
During the creation or development of any company, it needs a financial basis, or authorized capital.