KND 0710099 financial statements in 2021: download
Any company, in accordance with current legislation, must submit an accounting report after a certain period of time.
Instructions: how to fill out and check lines 070 and 170 in the VAT return
Which section of the declaration includes line 170 and what is its interpretation Line 170 in
How to fill out an application on form 2-2-Accounting
Rules for filling out the form Samples of filling out the application are available on inspection websites and at stands in the department.
Form 1, form 2 of the enterprise’s financial statements
A balance sheet is one of the most important and necessary forms of a financial report (it also includes
What does a sample certificate of income for three months for social security look like?
Income proof is required in many different cases. It is used for obtaining mortgages, tax
How to round personal income tax when preparing income tax returns
Business lawyer > Accounting > Taxes > How to round personal income tax when preparing returns
What data should a company card contain?
The purpose of today’s publication is to provide a detailed presentation of the practical aspects of creating and using business cards,
We get the most out of computer equipment accounting. Part 1
Laptops and PCs have long been part of our lives. However, issues related to computer accounting
Inventory of documents for the tax office: sample
How to make an inventory of documents for the tax office or counterparty: rules and a sample inventory for transfer
Technological progress is modernizing the office management system, but in government agencies the “paper code” still has a significant
VAT accounting under special conditions for the transfer of ownership
Accounting for VAT on payment and shipment in 2021 has not changed. In letter no.
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